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Scythanith 02-06-2017 02:21 AM

I guess I should actually address the question :) I sell frags for what I feel they are worth, simple as that. If I paid $250 for a frag, I will likely try to sell my frags of that coral for $150. If I have a plethora of red montipora, I will give someone a mini colony for $15. But for stuff like my SI Pectina frags, $250 a pop. I don't try to compete with other people's prices simply because I don't care what they charge. If someone wants my corals, they will pay what I advertise the price is. I don't care if you can get that green slimer for $10 from, if you want it from my tank now it's $25 :) I mean I dicker on price somewhat, depending on how much a person is buying.

But then there is the whole trading side of it. If someone has something I want I am 100% down for bartering. I buy nice big name corals for them to retain their value and give me trade value.

Scythanith 02-06-2017 02:23 AM

I feel like I should trademark now :)

iamfrontosa 02-06-2017 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by iceman86 (Post 1007823)
I usually price them for the going local hobby rate, not the store rate. When people come I usually throw in a couple extra for free. Happened to me a couple times before so I just pass it on.

Just last week a guy wanted to trade a couple frags with me, I just gave him 8 different frags without a trade. Usually if I know the people and they are good people I just give it to them free.

I am with iceman86. When I do sell my stuffs, I also priced local hobby rate. If someone tries to lowball me even more, I will just not sell. However, if the person is nice and fair, I will throw in freebies.

I even gave away many RR frags such as Rainbow loom, Pink Cadillac, Barney, Orange Passion, Pink Floyd to people. I see them as my backups and I really don't mind giving.

GoFish 02-06-2017 05:44 AM

I'd way rather trade than sell stuff, but having an infatuation for zoanthids and owning a tonne of different colours it's getting harder to find things to trade for that I don't have.

1. I usually ask what I would pay for the frag. Sometimes taking into account for what it originally cost, sometimes just wing it. Once in a while someone says how much for a frag of a particular zoa. If I don't have any frags, then I'll make one then decide.

2. How much the local store will give me for them in credit.

Always open to offers especially if someone is new to the hobby or wants a few pieces. Not a fan of people who say "what's your best price?". I consider that question rude in general, especially when someone does that via text message or PM.

Myka 02-06-2017 01:15 PM

Mainly, I just take my frags into the LFS for credit because I don't like strangers in my house. I like trades best (retail value for retail value) because both parties get a good deal. If I sell directly, I usually price at whatever the market will bear. I try to be about 75% of retail. I don't like to sell frags too cheap (especially high-end frags) because then it damages the value of the coral. I really like the auctions here because then I don't have to price them, the buyer does. :D


Originally Posted by GoFish (Post 1007855)
Not a fan of people who say "what's your best price?". I consider that question rude in general, especially when someone does that via text message or PM.

Agreed! I usually tell those people my original asking price or I add $5 hehe, and if I'm in a bad mood I might even block them. :lol: The low-ballers? I don't reply. If there's one thing I can't stand is cheap people. If you can't afford the price, you don't get to buy it. Simple. I don't usually entertain offers either. If someone is willing to pay the prices, doesn't ask for a deal, and buy a few things, then I usually offer them a price break. If they ask for one...NO PRICE BREAK! :lol:

soapy 02-06-2017 04:13 PM

My prices tend to be based on growth rates, survivability and fragging success rates.

Pink birdsnest? - Free

That chalice that went from 2 inch diameter to 2.5 in 2 years and dies back if you wave the nippers at it? - $$$

But then I come at strictly as a hobbiest not trying to make money, like a lot of others sometimes it is just about trying to recoup some of the cost of the coral.

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