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powerreef 02-10-2002 06:00 PM

Tips and Tricks 101
Great thread. Here's a little one I use. On the odd occation RTN rasies its ugly head. I take the coral out and dry the affected area with a q-tip. Then i get some crasy glue and cover the affected area, and just slightly onto the good tissue where the RTN is about to move on to. Give it a quick blow to form a skin and back in it geos. On the corals I have ahd to do this, the tissue grwos right back over the hardened glue.


Axial Corillite 02-10-2002 10:28 PM

Tips and Tricks 101
Good one Mike I'v saved lots of corals with crazy
glue(locktite 454-40).I've even stop a Euphyllia parancora from melting with a big gob of glue on the dieing edge.
Another good one for sick corals is a 25% Reef plus 75%Reef water bath for 30sec. Then back in the tank for 1hr then do it again.

SuperFudge 09-09-2006 02:07 PM

A 5 yr old Bump.
Hi all i thought this would be nice to bring up again, many here have not had a chance to read or add to it.

Ill Add another.

Microbubble`s from your drain line?

A good way to rid yourself of atleast 50-70% of them is to extend your drain line about 6-8 " below the surface of the water in your sump.
Then (or before hand) drill a hole about 4" above the water line (tap or tee here if you wish aswell,it works a little better to hold the line in place)
Insert some 1/2"(or so) diam rubber line (or rigid if you tee`d) in the hole (not too far in) and point this back down into the sump aswell (above the waterline), as the air will want to burp and spray a bit.

Air wants to exit this line instead, as its a little easier to get out rather than force the air 6-8" below the water line.

This has worked like a charm for me, if your unsure if its for you, make sure you just buy a union first, and cut the line and just dry fit some test pieces and run it to see how it works for you.


albert_dao 09-09-2006 04:20 PM

I'll play.

- Microfibre cloths are a cheap and effective way to get a streak free clean up on your glass. Just make sure to prewipe with a damp rag. No detergents are necessary.

- 8" personal fans move a lot more air than computer fans and can be nearly just as quiet if you get the right one. They're also prewired and have a built in setting dial.

- When planning out a rock scape, draw it out first. Then figure out how you can support your aquascape with PVC. This pretty much eliminates the need for "base rock" and creates a much more open reef structure.

- Soak crushed coral in RO/DI water for three weeks with a complete water change each week. Make sure it's aerated. Ever see that fancy and expensive reactor media for the Schuran reactors? Well congrats, you just made a bunch of it cheap.

I'll put more later on as I remember.

kwirky 09-09-2006 06:13 PM

here are some of my tips:

keep important building materials on hand at all times. IE: 1/4" glass, acrylic, silicone, PVC piping & elbos, egg crate, etc. You never know when inspiration might hit ;)

Oh, and PVC piping can do neat things if you cut it lengthwise to make original things. I made a "reflector" for a cold cathode moonlight by cutting a piece of 3/4" PVC down the length in half, then supergluing a piece of aluminum foil to the inside. Saw somone use this idea for making a metal halide hood, actually (out of 2 foot PVC)

When starting up a reef, don't be daunted by the cost of larger tanks. Doller per gallon, larger tanks are cheaper than smaller tanks. Just get the biggest tank you can for your space, because equipment for larger tanks is not much more than smaller tanks. A metal halide ballast is usually the same price, whether it's 150W or 250W, the heaters are only 10% more for the larger versions, and the pumps are almost the exact same price. The only scaling cost is the tank the liverock, and possibly the skimmer, which isn't much really.

Oh, and don't turn your tank into a fruitstand. Being an artist myself, I visually despise people who buy 1.8 lbs of liverock per gallon, and pile it against the back of their aquarium, and then display their corals rising up their rock structure laid out like a fruitstand selling goods. It's not aesthetic, doesn't look like the real reef (there's NEVER that much assortment in a 4 foot area), and it's bad for flow.

StirCrazy 09-09-2006 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by kwirky

Oh, and don't turn your tank into a fruitstand. Being an artist myself, I visually despise people who buy 1.8 lbs of liverock per gallon, and pile it against the back of their aquarium, and then display their corals rising up their rock structure laid out like a fruitstand selling goods. It's not aesthetic, doesn't look like the real reef (there's NEVER that much assortment in a 4 foot area), and it's bad for flow.

then being an artist you should know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what you might find bad others might find beautiful and what you might like others might find ugly.. I don't think you really have the right to tell people how to arrange their tanks.


SuperFudge 09-09-2006 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by kwirky
and it's bad for flow.

A very important point, and one often overlooked i think.

If you look at the largest Aquascaping threads on many of the larger boards, many have stated what they find distracting, and i dont think Sean or anyone on those topics meant to slam anyone.

these threads include many saying simple things like take the damn magnet off there, or clean up the cords, or hide the is all opinion and personal taste here.
But if i could be honest, i too find things like that distracting.

Not to mention even taking the time to Design a structure in the first place.
I have a hard time myself dumping piles of money and time into it, and not paying close attention to the backdrop of the whole scene,wether its practical or aesthetics in mind.

Ive dumped enouph money into this system to build a hotrod or a bike, so if i did, i certainly wouldnt have completed the project and left original white walls on.

Cmon, Pick that brain of yours Steve and add something you think others may use on their system...

Keep em comin, i dont care if they are bad or good according to the next, let the readers decide what to disregard.

trilinearmipmap 09-10-2006 12:18 AM

OK here is my tip.

Make a feeding device for feeding corals and anemones. Take a 30 cc syringe and some rigid clear plastic tubing about 1/4" diameter. Crazy glue the syringe to one end of the tubing. Heat the other end of the tubing and put a bend in it like a hockey stick. It works just like a turkey baster only longer.

My other tip is be nice to people and you will get free frags.

Skimmerking 09-10-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by kwirky
Oh, and don't turn your tank into a fruitstand. Being an artist myself, I visually despise people who buy 1.8 lbs of liverock per gallon, and pile it against the back of their aquarium, and then display their corals rising up their rock structure laid out like a fruitstand selling goods. It's not aesthetic, doesn't look like the real reef (there's NEVER that much assortment in a 4 foot area), and it's bad for flow.

So this looks like a fruitstand I take It. You should pick your words before typing them out they might come out in a wrong sense that people might take offense too. In other words voicing your opinion is ok to a certain point, But stating a fact about opther people's hobbies or anything pertaining to them can be rude/..

Skimmerking 09-10-2006 12:47 AM

For Bare bottom tanks
If you are prolonging your water changes and want to suck out the crud in your tank siphoning out the crap and have a filter sock in the buck to catch the crap and when your done take out the sock and pour the water back into the sump.:mrgreen:

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