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Ryanerickson 08-07-2014 12:04 AM

There is something I think called a scarecrow water sprayer it work off a sensor and sprays when they approach it hooks up to your hose.

AquaPin 08-07-2014 01:10 AM

Every year (10+) they pester my pond, some years worse then others. I have tried live traps, removed 5 in one year...waste of time. Coyote urine works until it rains, same issue with other odour deterrents. Finally accepted they will come around, so I made some changes to the pond instead.

- Black PVC under heavy rocks for fish to hide in when under attack
- Plants are in black milk crates surrounded with rock work so they no longer get tipped or bothered.
- Lots of blackberry bush (dead vines) under the plants near the bubble beach side of the pond and anywhere else they have entered.

Since these changes fish loss has been minimal, no damage to the pond except my lilipads keep getting ripped off the base. I considered electric fence or a water sprayer, but did not want anything to change the natural esthetics.

Hope you find a solution that works for your pond.

gregzz4 08-07-2014 01:28 AM

We used to have a problem with 'coons coming in the cat door to eat the kibbles
The cats would wake us up with their screaming so I kept my pellet gun near the bed ...
Next time they arrived I chased them out of the house with the gun, and then across the yard. Each shot in the rump elicited a yelp

They never came up our stairs again, and no more vet bills due to 'coon fights

Kinda cruel but, with a low velocity gun it only stings

I did the same thing with crows and they leave our trees alone now

jason604 08-07-2014 01:36 AM

Shooting seems fun but they come around so late at night n at random times so I won't no when to go ou back cap them in the ass lol. I do have a few garbage bins in my pond for fishes to hide. Mybe I should put more? Does any1 know where I can get coyote urine around Vancouver since it hasn't been raining much. Dunno how they coming into my yard. Can raccoons climb over 6 ft fences?

gregzz4 08-07-2014 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by jason604 (Post 908600)
Can raccoons climb over 6 ft fences?

They will climb/swim/burrow etc for food - especially tasty fishies :mrgreen:
I saw a show recently where they were swimming across a lake to eat Heron (I think it was ?, or maybe Cranes) babies in treetop nests
Nearly all the birds vanished until the peeps used wildlife cameras to find the cause of the population crash

kien 08-07-2014 01:57 AM

Moved to Ponds & Koi forum :-)

Although I have never had a 'coon problem I did have a badger living under my front porch once. I went to the SPCA and got a small cat/animal trap, baited it with cat food and voila! I did end up catching a stray cat first though, but the second night I caught the badger and relocated it. Might work for the 'coon as well. I've seen these kinds of traps sold at farming supply stores like UFA as well.

gregzz4 08-07-2014 02:02 AM

Problem with a live trap is first you have a really peed off dangerous animal to deal with

Secondly, they know where you live and will keep coming back, unless you drive them to another city :razz:, and that may not be so great for their family

kien 08-07-2014 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 908607)
Problem with a live trap is first you have a really peed off dangerous animal to deal with

Secondly, they know where you live and will keep coming back, unless you drive them to another city :razz:

Good point :lol:

Are you allowed to kill raccoons ? I think the city's animal control could help you dispose of it appropriately.

gregzz4 08-07-2014 02:13 AM

I'm sure there are some that are 'allowed' to kill them, but not in the GVRD

All kidding aside, there's no avenue I know of that won't cost you money to deal with pests in the city
They're not a hazzard, nor are they a hazzard to themselves, so you're stuck dealing with them personally

This is why I chose the 'shot to the bum' solution
Although I'm sure it's illegal, my gun is low velocity enough to not break the skin so no biggie - just a big surprise and a bruise to lick

sphelps 08-07-2014 04:26 PM

Propane cannon with motion sensor :mrgreen:

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