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toytech 12-16-2015 10:28 PM

Ate a big clump of bubble algae cleaning up my tank today , no wonder no critters eat this stuff it tastes terrible .

Dearth 12-16-2015 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by toytech (Post 974299)
Ate a big clump of bubble algae cleaning up my tank today , no wonder no critters eat this stuff it tastes terrible .

Try it with Ketchup next time 😈😎😎😈

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-16-2015 11:24 PM

Stir fried with some Sambal chili sauce:wink::twised:

toytech 12-17-2015 12:04 AM

Good ideas , I figure I wont hate it so much if I can at least eat the stuff,maybe I can make it popular and trendy they I can sell it and make a fortune .

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-17-2015 02:12 AM

Call it a rare "endangered" delicacy and claim that it will cure male "cough cough" dysfunction, and you'll have a line up banging down your door in certain markets.:wink:

Myka 12-17-2015 02:26 AM

^ Good idea! You might be able to save some sharks and rays! :D

hillegom 12-17-2015 02:31 AM

And rhino horns

toytech 12-17-2015 03:53 AM

Don't forget about bear gal and dried tiger penis. Though bear gal probably tastes better than bubble algae .

Wretch 12-18-2015 11:07 PM

Man I am hungry. I am thinking donair. Donair affair? Yup I think I am going to get a donair. :biggrin:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-18-2015 11:58 PM

We had Greek food for lunch. Actually, I slept in and my wife and younger daughter went out shopping with my mom and they went to our favourite Greek restaurant, Panos Taverna for lunch. Luckily, my wife was nice and ordered a calamari lunch special for me so I had a nice lunch when they came home. Yummmmy.

Wretch 12-19-2015 12:10 AM

Lamb Lebanese donair with extra lamb and all the fixings. mmmm. yummy. A Dr Pepper to help it all go down. Satiated. :biggrin:

mrhasan 12-19-2015 12:18 AM

I had beef swarma today. Drove 30+ kms to get that and the roads were less than ideal for driving today at Calgary. Its baffling what a hungry person can do for the right food.

kien 12-19-2015 02:04 AM

(Instagram) Pics or it didn't happen !

Taipan 12-19-2015 03:29 AM

Anyone up for Deep Fried Big Macs and McDoubles again? :wink:

Wretch 12-19-2015 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Taipan (Post 974675)
Anyone up for Deep Fried Big Macs and McDoubles again? :wink:

I dont really like big macs but deep fried? maybe....:twised:

Taipan 12-19-2015 03:39 AM

Page 713 of this Thread. Post #7126. Enjoy.....

mike31154 01-08-2016 05:24 PM

Coming to a Theater Near You
Super El Niņo vs The Blob! How's that for a random thought? Came to me while listening to CBC radio yesterday on the way up to the ski hill. A scientist from Victoria was describing this "Blob" of unusually warm ocean water in the Gulf of Alaska that formed around 2013 & is expected to dissipate in the near future. You'd think a community of highly educated scientific folks would come up with a more 'scientific' term for this phenom?

In any case, listening to this program about Super El Niņo and The Blob duking it out over who's going to determine the weather along the west coast & inland, reminded me of the good old Japanese horror flick genre way back when. You know, Godzilla, Mothra et al. Hence the title of this thread!

Not sure who's winning, but there were certainly dire predictions about the possible effects on the snowy season due to Super El Niņo. It's been a better than average start for snow sports enthusiasts thus far, so I say, bring it on, in your face Super El Niņo. I hadn't heard of "The Blob" prior to yesterday so did a little research. Apparently it's had a negative effect on certain marine species adapted to cooler waters, such as salmon & brought some warmer water species up to have a look around a bit farther north.

mike31154 01-08-2016 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Taipan (Post 974677)
Page 713 of this Thread. Post #7126. Enjoy.....

Only page 181 for me. I think it depends on your browser/view preference settings.

mike31154 01-08-2016 05:35 PM

Ha, ha, well I thought my latest random thought was rather unique, however.....

Interesting graphic further down in the above article showing The Blob, Son of Blob & Godzilla!

Reef Pilot 01-08-2016 05:44 PM

I can't help but feel a little skeptical sometimes about the seemingly conflicting/changing weather/climate forecasts. I think they have much better equipment/instruments now for measuring temperatures in oceans and the atmosphere. But I also think blobs and El Ninos have been around for a lot longer than we are being led to believe.

And yeah, despite the dire forecasts, best snow and ski season here that we have seen for a long time.

Myka 01-26-2016 08:46 AM

I wish I was tired enough of insomnia to sleep, but that never seems to be the case! Time to hit the treadmill I guess - this night's a write off...

silentcivilian 01-26-2016 09:10 AM

Welcome to my life ;)

Shift change from nights to days.. So today will maybe at best be 3 hours of sleep.

Myka 01-26-2016 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by silentcivilian (Post 980015)
Welcome to my life ;)

Shift change from nights to days.. So today will maybe at best be 3 hours of sleep.

Some of the best sleep of my life was when I did shift work. :p

squibege 01-27-2016 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 980021)
Some of the best sleep of my life was when I did shift work. :p

As a shift worker imma have to call BS on that one because I do NOT believe you.

Shift sucks

Myka 01-27-2016 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by squibege (Post 980127)
As a shift worker imma have to call BS on that one because I do NOT believe you.

Shift sucks

The great thing about people is that we're all different! :p I imagine you work something like 3 days, 3 nights, 1 off or some ugly shift like that.

The shift work I did was different because it wasn't scheduled, and the work/off time was constantly shifting/changing. I was working 15 hour "days" which could start/end at any hour of the day or night, off for 8 hours (sleep for 6.5), 15 hours on again, 14 days straight, 2 days off, then do it all again. I was tired enough that I always slept well - unless I had a couple days off then I'd be all messed up. :lol:

Dearth 01-27-2016 03:07 PM

I've been working shift work last 20 years you either like it or you don't

I happen to like shift work a lot I don't have to join the rat race on the weekends competing with all the other Monday to Friday people to go shopping at the same stores at the same time and deal with weekend warriors and weekend drivers shift life has been good to me

4 shifts 12 hrs each shift 2 day shifts 2 nightshifts 4 days off days off move a day ahead every week and get more vacation time than the 9 to 5ers

duncangweller 01-27-2016 05:30 PM

^^^ I do the same shift pattern. It can't be beat

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-27-2016 07:28 PM

When I worked on a salmon farm near Powell River years ago, I would do 10 days on, 4 days off, which would allow me to catch the ferry down to Vancouver to spend 3.5 days with family and friends twice a month. Worked out good. I told management I would just quit if they forced me to switch to 5 & 2, cause no job in my mind is worth giving up my family & friends (it's about 4-4.5 hours each way commute so 2 days off meant never coming down).

silentcivilian 01-29-2016 04:02 AM

Mine changes all the time Myka depending on posting. Currently I have a terrible schedule. I work 7 nights, 3 off, 7 days & 4 off. The nights end at 4am on a day off. Also every forth set of days off you work an extra shift as cover off. Weekends 10 hours, rest 8 hours and in reality.. Your 8s are 10s and your 10s are 12s with my longest shift being 19hours with 3 hours between shifts. Thats mostly due to shortages in the work place.

Not a lot of... Me time haha.. Most of the time I love my work haha


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 980128)
The great thing about people is that we're all different! :p I imagine you work something like 3 days, 3 nights, 1 off or some ugly shift like that.

The shift work I did was different because it wasn't scheduled, and the work/off time was constantly shifting/changing. I was working 15 hour "days" which could start/end at any hour of the day or night, off for 8 hours (sleep for 6.5), 15 hours on again, 14 days straight, 2 days off, then do it all again. I was tired enough that I always slept well - unless I had a couple days off then I'd be all messed up. :lol:

wayner 01-30-2016 05:06 AM

Time to lose the Christmas Tree

Craigdillman 01-30-2016 04:47 PM

Ahaha I was thinking that as well lol

hillegom 01-30-2016 07:05 PM

Oh boy
getting late

Ram3500 02-06-2016 07:31 AM

Do not get a acrylic black back it = @rap stick to glass

Dearth 02-06-2016 03:05 PM

Crappy to be me minimum 6 months of not being able to use my hot tub, no international travel, no scuba diving, no flight training until medical clearance in 6 months (this one annoys me), no heavy exercise for six months (not an issue in my case still learning what this word "exercise" means)

Heart attacks rule the rest drool !!!!!

Myka 02-06-2016 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ram3500 (Post 981680)
Do not get a acrylic black back it = @rap stick to glass

I hate acrylic inside the tank. It attracts algae way more than glass does, and if you scrub it it scratches! It's not as hard as the clear acrylic used to make tanks from, so it scratches really easily. Plus, it gets "waves" in it and doesn't stick to the glass well. It's not too bad to cover up a corner overflow, but it sucks when it's used as a panel or full back to cover up an external overflow. Black glass is where it's at! :D

Craigdillman 02-12-2016 05:31 PM

...Well its been 1.5 months since I did a order from J &L and my conch is still alive ... wasn't thinking it was going to make it cause my last spider conch was maybe 1.25" in length when I opened the box for the order this spider conch was a whopping 7" across it was like a small tank, i was like shiiiitt where is this thing going go lol ( i got a 125g so there is room ) but my friend that did an order with me was going to get one and he's got a 15g he like OMG I'm glad i didn't order that

got my 15.75$ worth lol


Ram3500 03-08-2016 06:26 AM

Money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you a robot vacuum and that's close enough :surprise:

Dearth 03-13-2016 12:15 AM

Fun Fact:

Your baby toe is specifically designed to look for every hard and sharp surface known to mankind its evolutions gift to mankind and I believe a practical joke played on us and I bet evolution is busting a gut laughing over it too every time our toe finds an object

mrhasan 03-13-2016 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 985604)
Fun Fact:

Your baby toe is specifically designed to look for every hard and sharp surface known to mankind its evolutions gift to mankind and I believe a practical joke played on us and I bet evolution is busting a gut laughing over it too every time our toe finds an object

And the head is attracted to every possible corners that can appear above it :razz:

toytech 03-13-2016 04:13 AM

A big toe off can be used as a thumb in a transplant , but for the rest of your life you have to put a sock on your hand when its cold and you cant bite the nail or people will say you bite your toe nails , ewww .

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