View Full Version : Aquacontroller Jr. on the fritz

04-30-2012, 01:23 AM
I don't know if my controller is on it's way out, or maybe it's another factor.

It's starting to improperly engage in random events.
Sometimes, on of my four light outputs will randomly turn off for 1 minute during the day. A few times, I've been on my couch watching tv after lights out and one of them came on for 60 seconds. Today I had my cabinet open and watched the fuge light come on for a minute at about 6 separate occasions.

Has anybody encountered this problem?
My lights are setup as "when sun = ____ then LT1 on" etc. The fuge is set as "when LT1 off then FUG on" and vice versa. Is this second command causing the light errors?
This particular controller had given me some grief with the X10 connection before, but this is actually changing the state of the DC8, not just having something stick on.

Should I reprogram all my lights to just straight timed events, or maybe give it all up and get an Apex?