View Full Version : Buying and transfering Live stock and rock

02-14-2012, 10:39 PM
Newbie doing my first reef tank, and I am wondering what's the best way to start.

I am in the process of getting an 187 gallon tank built right now, should be ready by mid march, I have a 75 gallon sump.

End of March, I should everything in place, tanks, sump, stand, protein skimmer and pump, ready to go.

Option 1
I was thinking of buying about 150 or so pounds of sand and about 100- 125 pound of dry rock, then about 50-75 pounds of live rock, then cycle.

Option 2
Buy 100 or so pounds of sand 100 pounds or so of dry rock.
Then look at buying someone who is shutting down there tank, then adding their sand, live rock, and live stock to my new tank, will that work? Do I need to cycle?

or have a smaller tank setup, to transfer part of their sand, live rock and live stock, put the balance in my new tank, let it cycle, and transfer everything to the large tank after the cycle period?


02-14-2012, 11:53 PM
I'd go option 2. But yes you will probably have another small cycle anytime you add live rock as the system re-adjusts its self. Can usually get pretty good deals on "used" live rock. Go slow as you stock your tank, and Im sure things will work out fine.