View Full Version : this hobby just got cooler

12-31-2011, 03:00 AM
now theres lasers this is mint


The Grizz
12-31-2011, 03:07 AM
Old news, this was so last month when you where at the bottom of that bottle :razz:

12-31-2011, 03:11 AM
I've seen these on youtube a few times, I wonder if it affects the surrounding corals, I mean it would have to with that kind of intensity, and what if a fish swam through the beam! lol but yeah they are kick ass, if you didnt use it on your aiptasia you could always get the cat to chase it haha

12-31-2011, 04:21 AM
I've seen these on youtube a few times, I wonder if it affects the surrounding corals, I mean it would have to with that kind of intensity, and what if a fish swam through the beam! lol but yeah they are kick ass, if you didnt use it on your aiptasia you could always get the cat to chase it haha

i could just imagine the burn marks on the floor and walls having the catch chase it. callit lazer graffiti..

i read through the thread and i agree with most in it being too dangerous. just think of a stray beam getting into your/your childs/other pets eye as they come to see what daddy is doing. and your child is blind forever more. there are safer methods they work. there is enough dangers in the hobby with just the corals and livestock.

for me two thumbsdown

12-31-2011, 04:40 AM
Its definitely a scary little tool, but also pretty Kick A$$ too haha like a light saber for killing Aiptasia lmao

12-31-2011, 01:06 PM
Next, theres going to be FRIKIN sharks with FRIKIN laser beams attached to their FRIKIN heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-31-2011, 01:53 PM
YOu can see the zoanthids retracting when it was touched by the laser. I am pretty sure that in this case that laser did more dammage to the zoa than the aiptasia itself.

I would be afraid to use it anyway because it will burn everything that gets on its way, including any available eyes on its path.

12-31-2011, 01:56 PM
Wouldn't this cause weakness in the glass at the point it enters the tank?

Im thinking this is as fake as the guy reviving frozen fish in a bowl of water

12-31-2011, 02:41 PM
I cant wait to see the threads on the damage people have done to themselves as well as others.

RC forum had many ups and downs posted.... And points out the fact there are a lot of dumb people out there, probably in here too, that will use this with little or no thought.

12-31-2011, 03:07 PM
Wouldn't this cause weakness in the glass at the point it enters the tank?

Im thinking this is as fake as the guy reviving frozen fish in a bowl of water

YOu can see the zoanthids retracting when it was touched by the laser. I am pretty sure that in this case that laser did more dammage to the zoa than the aiptasia itself.

I would be afraid to use it anyway because it will burn everything that gets on its way, including any available eyes on its path.

i think it takes more than just passing by with the laser to do any harm to zoanthids he has to focus the beam and leave it on the subject for up to a min and lets say your prized zoanthids were being overgrown with
aiptasia,gsp,xenia i would take my chances losing a few polyps then have them spread over the whole colony.out of water it cinged the guys wrist on bare skin but they are not sure how much of the actual strength gets through the glass and water.

Wouldn't this cause weakness in the glass at the point it enters the tank?

Im thinking this is as fake as the guy reviving frozen fish in a bowl of water

apparently it does not effect glass at the wattage it is used now if he were to say fall aslepp with it in the on position maybe but im also sure it says it only can run for 60sec at a time.

another thing i liked is everyone says oh theres more better ways to deal with pests??? name one thing that is good for aiptasia,xenia,gsp,majanos,bubble algae etc. all together????

yes there are idiots who shouldnt have a laser...theres idiots who shouldnt have guns or a baseball bat either that doesnt mean that i think baseball is a bad idea or i want to take guns away from the army.

it never amazes me how fast people shoot down ideas because the "general public" is to dumb to take care of themselves.....

if you point a laser in your eyes yes your an idiot just as if you shot yourself in the face or swimg a baseballbat into your own head....can it happen??? sure so can tripping up in your own shoe laces....so what now shoe laces are a bad idea?????

its a learning breakthrough who knows maybe we all wont have super cool lasers and play laser tag drunk one night but maybe they are on to something what if with more research and technology they were able to zap any bad critters before your frags made it to sale??? with computers and such its not that far fetched to believe:)

12-31-2011, 03:15 PM
....so what now shoe laces are a bad idea?????

Last time I got tossed in jail they took my laces.....:razz:

12-31-2011, 03:37 PM
Last time I got tossed in jail they took my laces.....:razz:

yeah but brad your case was shoe lace related......they were calling you the lacey killer on the news hehehe;)

fwiw they use lasers for countless things from removing warts, getting eyes corrected and surgery to commercial routers and cutters.lasers play a more important role than alot of us even think.its a technology that isnt new but its applications are becoming more and more everyday usefull:)

12-31-2011, 03:44 PM
i think it takes more than just passing by with the laser to do any harm to zoanthids he has to focus the beam and leave it on the subject for up to a min and lets say your prized zoanthids were being overgrown with
aiptasia,gsp,xenia i would take my chances losing a few polyps then have them spread over the whole colony.out of water it cinged the guys wrist on bare skin but they are not sure how much of the actual strength gets through the glass and water.

apparently it does not effect glass at the wattage it is used now if he were to say fall aslepp with it in the on position maybe but im also sure it says it only can run for 60sec at a time.

another thing i liked is everyone says oh theres more better ways to deal with pests??? name one thing that is good for aiptasia,xenia,gsp,majanos,bubble algae etc. all together????

yes there are idiots who shouldnt have a laser...theres idiots who shouldnt have guns or a baseball bat either that doesnt mean that i think baseball is a bad idea or i want to take guns away from the army.

it never amazes me how fast people shoot down ideas because the "general public" is to dumb to take care of themselves.....

if you point a laser in your eyes yes your an idiot just as if you shot yourself in the face or swimg a baseballbat into your own head....can it happen??? sure so can tripping up in your own shoe laces....so what now shoe laces are a bad idea?????

its a learning breakthrough who knows maybe we all wont have super cool lasers and play laser tag drunk one night but maybe they are on to something what if with more research and technology they were able to zap any bad critters before your frags made it to sale??? with computers and such its not that far fetched to believe:)

Not knocking the idea. Just think most people don't think. And that they are are going to be those same people crying on this forum.

I'm sure we can all think of an someone we know on here that will complain they screwed something up.

It's the most common thread. Help! Lol.

You know what I mean Denny. Too many dumb ass people.

12-31-2011, 03:54 PM
Not knocking the idea. Just think most people don't think. And that there are going to be those same people crying on this forum.

I'm sure we can all think of an someone we know on here that will complain they screwed something up.

It's the most common thread. Help! Lol.

You know what I mean Denny. Too many dumb ass people.

there are indeed alot of foolish people and im sure there will be some bad apples who take it to far with "super lasers" or 10 lasers glued together or like i said a big drunk laser tag one night.

all the safety aside because yes its dangerous and the rc threds all state that its dangerous no ones saying its not but its interesting and another step forward in erradicating pests in which this hobby spends ALOT of money on and suffers alot of losses.if with the proper research we could learn new things...what if there were a way to use the intensity of the laser without the safety?? what if we kept trying and bam!! we find a laser that works but isnt harmful to us?? that would be quite the breakthrough and it wouldnt happen unless peope tried new things.

would be nice to sit next to my tank and rid it of majanos, bubble algae(valonia) and say any harmfull pests all in one sitting without adding chemicals to my tank or having to buy several fish or crabs and nudis for a couple of hundred buck then do it all again in 2-3 yrs.

12-31-2011, 03:55 PM
i agree its a cool idea dont get me wrong who wouldnt want an easy fix i use apastia x and pepermint shrimp which seems to do the trick for me. but my systems are small i can understand a gy with a large tank relishing in the idea.

and yes lasers have come to be a great medical aid. usually used in controlled conditions by highly trained individualls.. i realise they are just researching and testing theories. but reality is how many ppl whent cool where do i buy one... could i use it on the neighbours cat. or singe bubbas butt when he passes out tonight.

i do like the idea. i just forsee other issues due to the stupid gene some ppl are born with...and yes at times even my stupid genes overtake my common sence cause i thought could i use that on the nieghbours cat

12-31-2011, 04:02 PM
i agree its a cool idea dont get me wrong who wouldnt want an easy fix i use apastia x and pepermint shrimp which seems to do the trick for me. but my systems are small i can understand a gy with a large tank relishing in the idea.

and yes lasers have come to be a great medical aid. usually used in controlled conditions by highly trained individualls.. i realise they are just researching and testing theories. but reality is how many ppl whent cool where do i buy one... could i use it on the neighbours cat. or singe bubbas butt when he passes out tonight.

i do like the idea. i just forsee other issues due to the stupid gene some ppl are born with...and yes at times even my stupid genes overtake my common sence cause i thought could i use that on the nieghbours cat

agreed they shouldnt just start calling these "aiptasia zappers" and start selling them to every lfs. from what the thread says you have to buy the lasers in pieces...not even sure if its even legal in canada or not to own a high wattage laser.

using aiptasia and peps is def a pain in the ass.....now what if your tank was also being over ridden with valonia, anthelia and vermatid snails??

the thing that drew me to this idea is its a multi tool for various pests, like a table saw it can do a great job and is very helpful but its dangerous....it isnt needed i mean a hand saw still cuts wood but a table saw is fast its clean and its less work......sure my woodworking teacher ran his thumb through the blade in grade 9 but to my surprise people still use table saws.

out of everyone im the least likley to be the person who should have a laser lol but i like the idea that people are trying it and its working and who knows maybe in a few years they will make a unit thats safe for home use....or they could just drop the idea and we will never know:):)

def dangerous but no one cant admit that its the direction our world is heading be it in the hobby or in my computer we are using lasers and light beams for alot of good applications:):)

12-31-2011, 04:34 PM
It seems very practical in certain situations with proper precaution.

Where are all the people fear mongering about kalk paste/powder? I am pretty sure enough of that in the eye will make you go blind too. I imagine it is pretty nasty inhaled as well. :mrgreen:

Anyone playing around with a 1w laser deserves everything that is coming to them.

Personally The biggest danger I see in the use of this, I am sure it has been mentioned here or on RC, is accidentally blinding a fish. Is one little misfire for a few milliseconds enough to permanently damage their sight with such a strong beam?

12-31-2011, 04:36 PM
It seems very practical in certain situations with proper precaution.

Where are all the people fear mongering about kalk paste/powder? I am pretty sure enough of that in the eye will make you go blind too. I imagine it is pretty nasty inhaled as well. :mrgreen:

Anyone "playing" around with a 1w laser deserves everything that is coming to them.

Personally The biggest danger I see in the use of this, I am sure it has been mentioned here or on RC, is accidentally blinding a fish. Is one little misfire for a few milliseconds enough to permanently damage their sight with such a strong beam?

it absolutely is on the rc threads they are going to great lengths to avoid this, they are trying to make a protective shield you can put over the spot to be lasered so not to reflect onto fish or peoples eyes:)

12-31-2011, 04:41 PM
It was a long thread I did not feel like reading to the end. I also wonder how easy or difficult it is for fish to see and avoid the beam.

12-31-2011, 08:42 PM

http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCACfAKMDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAQQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQYBBwgC/8QAPRAAAQMDAQQEDQIFBQEAAAAAAQIDBAAFEQYSITFBExRRoQc iMzVSU2FxcnSBkbIVMiMkQmKxFkOCksGj/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwUEBv/EAC0RAAICAQMEAAUDBQEAAAAAAAABAgMRBCExBRITQSJRYZGxF TKBI6HB0fDh/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDdLLTZaQS2jOyOVKdC36tH2FDHkUfCKUp JLA8ifQN+rR9hR0Dfq0fYUpRRgWWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGA yxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoW/Vo+wphfmkJss8hCRiOvgP7TUnUfqDzHP+XX+JoaQZOLKKKKYHb 7HkUfCKUpNjyKPhFKUlwHsKKKKYBRRRQAUUUUAFYyO2sKOBk8O da11VqmRqF96zackKZgIOxNubfFfa00e3iCrlyquyyNUXKbwic ISnLtity5xdU2GXdlWqNd4bs9BIMdDoKsjiPaRg5HEVM5BrTMq wxRakRLa2mI7GwuG6hPjNOp3pVn38e3JrZejbyb9pyFcHAlL62 9mQhPBDqfFWP8AsDVGk1kNSm47YLdRppUNJ+yborwtaUDaWoJH 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12-31-2011, 08:59 PM

http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCACfAKMDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAQQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEBQYBBwgC/8QAPRAAAQMDAQQEDQIFBQEAAAAAAQIDBAAFEQYSITFBExRRoQc iMzVSU2FxcnSBkbIVMiMkQmKxFkOCksGj/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwUEBv/EAC0RAAICAQMEAAUDBQEAAAAAAAABAgMRBCExBRITQSJRYZGxF TKBI6HB0fDh/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDdLLTZaQS2jOyOVKdC36tH2FDHkUfCKUp JLA8ifQN+rR9hR0Dfq0fYUpRRgWWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGA yxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoG/Vo+wo6Bv1aPsKUoowGWJ9A36tH2FHQN+rR9hSlFGAyxPoW/Vo+wphfmkJss8hCRiOvgP7TUnUfqDzHP+XX+JoaQZOLKKKKYHb 7HkUfCKUpNjyKPhFKUlwHsKKKKYBRRRQAUUUUAFYyO2sKOBk8O da11VqmRqF96zackKZgIOxNubfFfa00e3iCrlyquyyNUXKbwic ISnLtity5xdU2GXdlWqNd4bs9BIMdDoKsjiPaRg5HEVM5BrTMq wxRakRLa2mI7GwuG6hPjNOp3pVn38e3JrZejbyb9pyFcHAlL62 9mQhPBDqfFWP8AsDVGk1kNSm47YLdRppUNJ+yborwtaUDaWoJH 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haha in my hotmail instead of an image this comes up as a bunch of random letters and numbers like 10 lines long.......also made sense lol :)