View Full Version : Seastar, is the newname for starfish.

12-04-2011, 01:57 AM
According to my twitter friends, seastars are the new name for star fish.
Mostly as seastars are not really fish.

Marine scientists have undertaken the difficult task of replacing the beloved starfish’s common name with sea star because, well, the starfish is not a fish. It’s an echinoderm, closely related to sea urchins and sand dollars.

here is some other facts they collected.
the sea star uses sea water as blood... a true marine creature!
If a starfish is chopped into pieces, each piece can grow a whole new starfish.
Starfish can have four or more arms, some have 12, but most have 5 arms.
Starfish do not have brains.
Starfish’s body has no blood.
Blind? Not Quite
Starfish are not completely blind, even though they do not have eyes. Starfish sense light and shapes through an eyespot (an organ sensitive to light) located at the tip of their arms.

12-04-2011, 02:48 AM
Wow just leared so much about starfish(sea stars , sounds like kid i went to school with who had hippy parents). Now if i can just figure out what twitter is im set.

12-04-2011, 03:11 AM
Im certain youve heard of it, ill tell you what it really is.
A big waste of time, where everyone talks about what they think everyone else wants to know about them or their knowledge of their work or profession.
An actor will tweet (msg) i just ate at blah blahs it was great.
A politician would msg (tweet) Just finished this year budget meeting.
A tween would say (tweet) i just kissed Angela and it was awesome.
Reefers tweet about reef stuff.


12-04-2011, 03:26 AM
Collective consciousness to hatch?
Turtle communication... it's possible and now science can back it up!
Read about it here,
Photographed by Cristian Dimitrius