View Full Version : Insane color acro

11-29-2011, 10:48 PM
I was browsing through another Canadian reefing site and came across a vendor, whose name shall not be mentioned here because its cursed ;), having some acro with some insane colors. Has anyone seen any acro with those colors in person? I did noticed the pictures had been run through PS. If those colors are real....Pictures posted below with permissions from the vendor.



11-29-2011, 11:08 PM
I know Greg (Snappy/Coralmaster) had a piece of the second (A. abrotanoides) and I have seen the first one before, the green wasn't quite as bright on it though :biggrin:

11-29-2011, 11:25 PM
I must say that I did an SPS frag order from said vendor recently and they all came in amazing. Great colours, fully enrusted on the plugs... even got a freebie. I'd be willing to try him again should you want to order either of those. I'd take #2 there in a heartbeat.

11-29-2011, 11:45 PM
I've always thought that with pictures, especially from vendors, that they should also post what the lighting conditions are as well as any photo editing that's been done. This isn't a knock against anyone specifically, but some pictures I've seen have left me scratching my head.

11-30-2011, 12:32 AM
I saw the shipment and its nice but remember that corals will sometimes look brighter fluorescent simply from shipping stress.....more often than not this colour does not stick. The abrotinoides stag will likely end up darker green with pink tips (which I think is nicer).....but also be warned that it seems to be an extremely hard coral to keep. Been through 3 mari-cultured colonies myself over the years and I have about 4 brown frags to show for it.

11-30-2011, 01:00 AM
agreed, not a coral that historically holds great colour in our tanks, tempting in the store though!

I saw the shipment and its nice but remember that corals will sometimes look brighter fluorescent simply from shipping stress.....more often than not this colour does not stick. The abrotinoides stag will likely end up darker green with pink tips (which I think is nicer).....but also be warned that it seems to be an extremely hard coral to keep. Been through 3 mari-cultured colonies myself over the years and I have about 4 brown frags to show for it.

11-30-2011, 03:25 AM
Bonsai valida is what snappy has. Very very nice coral.

11-30-2011, 03:44 AM
I used to have a small colony of the first one. Turns deep purple with neon green polyps. Was my favorite coral in my sps tank. But like all wild stuff i had horrible luck, it was one of 3 out of 10 that actually survived