View Full Version : The ethics of cloning and genetic manipulation...

02-06-2004, 04:33 AM
I thought I would start a thread devoted to this, since another thread seemed to be drifting this way...

Personally I am all for cloning and genetic modification, provided a. ethics laws keep this area of research squarely in the public domain (ie. a minimal amount of patenting of genetic information), and b. the sanctity of natural life is respected, be it human or of other animals (ie. no gratuitous cloning for entertainment, private gain, it should remain strictly for the purposes of research and the gain of common society).

02-06-2004, 05:43 AM
Where does ethics come into play if you are just cloning something for research. whether if its humans or not that is being cloned, it is still alive once cloned and its like playing God. I m not against cloning or GM or anything but I just think its wrong if you are gonna do research on the subject that you have cloned

02-06-2004, 05:52 AM
Well I won't step into the pros and cons of human cloning yet but as far as other animals go, I think the main advantage is the ability to carefully control the qualities of the subject animal, thereby providing a more valid experimental participant, which is essential for good science. I'm not really the most religious person so the god question doesn't really come into play for me, but as with any research I think it is essential to work to eliminate any sort of suffering the research participant may feel. This is a tenet of the ethical code all reputable research institutions follow.

02-06-2004, 06:29 AM
I've been in numerous conversations with my friends about this topic. It all started after watching the 6th Day. But we've always gone in circles around it.

In response to your first post teevee, who will control gratuitous cloning?

02-06-2004, 06:38 AM
Well I suppose it would fall to the federal government and be regulated perhaps by a new wing of Environment Canada. In the same way that pharmaceuticals are controlled by the government, so would cloning. Given the technology required to engage in cloning, I doubt it would become an underground industry.

02-06-2004, 06:39 AM
Well i m not just talking about humans but also animals too...Why should animals die/suffer just so it can improve our lives

02-06-2004, 06:40 AM
going slightly off topic, do you think human's have been cloned yet?

02-06-2004, 06:43 AM
I wouldnt be surprise if they have been...Didnt a cult of some sort say they have cloned two humans or something...it was in the news fairly recent like no more than a year ago......

02-06-2004, 06:45 AM
I wouldnt be surprise if they have been...Didnt a cult of some sort say they have cloned two humans or something...it was in the news fairly recent like no more than a year ago......


Damn. Check out their services. Insane.

02-06-2004, 07:00 AM

"cloning and genetic modification"

"the sanctity of natural life is respected" [\quote]

There is a small problem....You have to choose one OR the other. :neutral:

02-06-2004, 07:33 AM
Well I suppose it would fall to the federal government and be regulated perhaps by a new wing of Environment Canada. In the same way that pharmaceuticals are controlled by the government, so would cloning. Given the technology required to engage in cloning, I doubt it would become an underground industry.

sorry I thought that was a funny statement....
Yes I hope it falls into our goverments hands.... Hmmm hows it work again, oh yeah, if you slip the goverment huge sums of cash your product is legal, if you dont, well dont hold your breath.... were talking about the same folks that manage our money so well and take care of us like we are their firstborn....(mild sarcasm) When the fish are legalized we will know some high political power just added a new collection of mercedes to their stable, and perhaps a new ranch as well. Its the same with everything else... take for instance the goverment regulated canadian food guide for healthy living....ROTFLMAO again!!!!!!!!!! Dont get me wrong, I love milk, but the stuff just isnt good for adults to drink.... but if the dairy farmers keep slipping the goverment large cheques, I guess drinking milk in canada is good for you... Almost everything the goverment has their hands in is a load of crap(my opinion) did I say almost? I think that could be a huge understatement! And like the example you stated of the pharmaceuticals companies, works the same way, their drugs dont get approved untill some money changes hands...
Goverment is just a bunch of rich folk that devise ways to make themselves richer while being able to burry it under mountains of paperwork... Running the country well dosent even make their top 100 list if you ask me....
I like these little rants, makes me smile...lol

02-07-2004, 05:49 AM
Why should animals die/suffer just so it can improve our lives

This is just about the most asinine statement I've read in months. Damned near every medical treatment and pharmaceutical has been tested on an animal. Next time you get a headache and pop a Tylenol or and Advil try to remind yourself that it was indeed tested on an animal before it ended up in your medicine cabinet. And the next time someone in your family or a close friend is diagnosed with cancer and undergoes radiation therapy or chemotherapy ask yourself why an animal had to "die/suffer just so it can improve our lives." And while we're at it, let's forget about deafferenting animals in an attempt to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis because "why should animals die/suffer just so it can improve our lives."

I'm sure it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to think that you're a casual animal rights activist but let's get real - a lot of your friends and family would be dead right now if it wasn't for animal testing.

Rant over.

02-07-2004, 07:52 AM
Hey who are u to even bust my a$$ bout being an animal activist....I didnt say I m an animal activist...If n e thing there are more animal activist on this forum than me..I remember that when I first got on this forum and said " so wut if the fish dies, I ll just get more" and everyone was busting my a$$ about it...All I am saying is that we have no right to be testing on animals.....And for your information, yeah research has done a lot of good things, but who are we to clone animals and test them. I mean what good would cloning do.. you ll still need to grow the animal to size and what sick person would clone humans just for research so that we can...wut?? clone humans so that when we get old and need a kidney or two, the clones will be there??? Now come on if you agree that that is right then I dont care what n e one has to say bout me, I at least have a conscience and think that you are just down right sick to the bones...How would u feel if I did experiments on you to benefit my needs???

02-07-2004, 04:23 PM
Perhaps your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Go back, read my post, and locate where I said that I condoned cloning of humans or animals for that matter. I was commenting on your ridiculous rhetorical question: "Why should animals die/suffer just so it can improve our lives?"

Secondly, the eventual death of animals for research is done in the name of science and acts to benefit in the understanding of biological concepts for the betterment of society. You killing a fish and replacing it is done out of ignorance and carelessness and does nothing to benefit anyone other than the retailers and wholesalers who sell the fish.

02-07-2004, 04:35 PM
Funny thing is...the "Glofish" were being used for pollution detection prior to being made available to the aquarium trade.

Bob I
02-07-2004, 04:48 PM
Hmmm an interesting point about this is that the subject was introduced by a psychology student. Perhaps the sole intent was to have people calling each other names. Might even be some research thing. :mrgreen: :silly:

02-07-2004, 05:57 PM
First of all there is no difference if I kill a fish or if it dies for research. Nonetheless the fish does die. It doesnt matter how it dies, in the end it does still dies. Secondly, if you dont see that killing something for research for our benefit is bad, then of course you are condoning killing helpless animal. Thirdly what gives us the right to test on these animals. and so what if it benefits on mankind, in the end something does still dies.

Hey If I dont help out the wholesalers of LFS they will go bankrupt and then starve and die...so someones gotta support these ppl. ahahahaha j/j

02-07-2004, 06:07 PM
First of all there is no difference if I kill a fish or if it dies for research. Nonetheless the fish does die

If you're really that obtuse then there's no point in me responding. I wonder what it's like to live life completely oblivous to reality? What color is the sky in your world?

02-07-2004, 06:44 PM
Andrew, you're one of the best "debaters" I've seen. You don't need insults to reinforce your skills. Please keep it civil..thanks!

02-07-2004, 07:32 PM
Let's take this a little further...what about painted glass fish? Not GM but are being injected with dye in order to change their appearance.

02-07-2004, 09:56 PM
Hmmm an interesting point about this is that the subject was introduced by a psychology student. Perhaps the sole intent was to have people calling each other names. Might even be some research thing. :mrgreen: :silly:


02-07-2004, 10:20 PM
If you're really that obtuse then there's no point in me responding. I wonder what it's like to live life completely oblivous to reality? What color is the sky in your world?

I m just telling it how it is...theres no need to get all excited and all....now wut u need to do is take a chill pill dude...

BTW the sky is black in my world ...the only reason u see that it is blue or even purple at different elevation is because of the atmosphere and light.
if you dont see that then would you care to tell me what the sky is in your world :biggrin:

02-07-2004, 11:12 PM
What color is the sky in your world?

PINK, PINK, PINK, PINK!!!!!! :mrgreen:


02-07-2004, 11:45 PM
What color is the sky in your world?

PINK, PINK, PINK, PINK!!!!!! :mrgreen:

No, you dummy!! That's those new glasses you bought!! :razz:

02-08-2004, 12:03 AM
ahahahahha :biggrin:

02-08-2004, 02:12 AM
What color is the sky in your world?

PINK, PINK, PINK, PINK!!!!!! :mrgreen:

No, you dummy!! That's those new glasses you bought!! :razz:

:confused: :eek: Ohhh :neutral:

Steve :cool:

02-08-2004, 02:14 AM
guess I d better take out my shades too if I am suppose to see the sky in the same colors as you guys

02-08-2004, 04:05 AM
As far as gene manipulatiun goes, thats something humans have been doing for centuries. Cows, chickens and dogs are a result of that. :smile:
and for cloning I suspect that will be self limiting because of diseases and such. There is strength in diversity. So it's all something we probably shouldn't get our pants in a pucker over :biggrin: