View Full Version : Looking for advice on Lyretail Anthias

01-03-2011, 12:29 AM
So my buddy and I both bought 3 Lyretail Anthias from AI over the boxing week sale.

One male/two females each.

His male has since died and mine is looking questionable. Chris at AI did mention that the males do not seem to do as well as the smaller females and left the choice to us.

Now, being new to Anthias, and knowing they are a little more challenging than some other fish, I am wondering what is the best way to ensure their longevity.

I know they take more feeding than most fish, but also understood from my research and staff questioning that Lyretail are among the easier kept Anthias.

So, if anyone can give me some good advice on keeping them, I would appreciate it.



01-03-2011, 12:38 AM
They are naturally filter feeders and eat plankton. Mine grab mysis but i notice half the shrimp hanging out of the anthias mouth for a few minutes while he tries to get it down. I hear that a refugium is helpful to provide the plankton/micro organisms they eat in the wild.

Other than that all i've heard is that if you plan on having a few, one female becomes the dominant male, and is pretty agressive towards the females. Not always the case i'm sure, but that's what i found reading/asking around. Apperently you should either have 1 or 3+, so that the male's agression is spread to more than 1 female.

I have one lyretail, does great with the other tank mates, hangs out at the return plumbing from the refugium most of the day darting around. I Only feed once a day most days with mysis/krill/pellets, sometimes they get breakfast too. When i first got the fish i fed 3x a day for the first 2 weeks, then gradually down to once a day. I've read that works to get them used to once a day feeding, and seemed to work for me.

01-03-2011, 01:58 AM
Despite my best efforts these fish tend to peter out one by one.
I will not try them again.

01-03-2011, 02:00 AM
Had mine for abut a year and a half male died after about 3 months 4 females are going strong. I give mine no special treatment tank gets fed every few days.

01-03-2011, 02:22 AM
I have heard the same Naesco, that they will possibly drop one by one.... but others say they have had large groups of them long term and never had any issue keeping them. 6 of one, half a dozen of another. I spent an hour talking it out with the staff at AI and took the plunge. I have wanted a schooling fish for some time, and these ones are amazingly colored.

I am hoping they do well.

AI had a great boxing day sale... and combined with my Christmas gift certificate for them... they were a great deal. They came from the Maldives.

Seriously Wes? Every few days? Perhaps your tank is large enough to provide them enough natural prey?

As of now... all three are eating well and joining the frenzy when I add mysis to the tank. They are all exhibiting Ich, as Jason mentioned of his, but are not visiting my cleaner shrimp that I have noticed. I am feeding garlic soaked food so hopefully this will help. The females are definitely more curious about the tank and are checking out most corners. They stick together for the most part but the male does his own thing.... always swimming near the front, hanging out with my tang.

01-03-2011, 02:27 AM
They are all exhibiting Ich, as Jason mentioned of his, but are not visiting my cleaner shrimp that I have noticed. I am feeding garlic soaked food so hopefully this will help.

I don't think cleaner shrimp eat ich... I think they just go after parasites and dead tissue.

01-03-2011, 02:32 AM
I don't think cleaner shrimp eat ich... I think they just go after parasites and dead tissue.

From the information I have seen, I believe they do eat Ich.

01-03-2011, 02:41 AM
Here are a few links for ich remedies:

Part 1:
Part 2:

EDIT: If you look under biological controls (option 11) cleaner shrimp is mentioned as helping with minor ich, oops! Mybad :(

01-03-2011, 02:52 AM
Yeah there are times where i let my fish go for a few days to a week without food, flush out there system. I have only ever lost a fish to a pump or other fish bullying.

01-03-2011, 05:40 AM
I started out with 4 females and 1 male. That was 3 years ago and all that is left is the male. He eats mysis and pellets 2-3 times daily. I have a refugium as well but i'm not too sure if there is anything from it that he is eating but he's fat.

01-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Well my Anthias are still living.

Jason (Bignose) and I each bought 3... his unfortunately have all passed on to the great fish bowl in the... well....

Mine did show quite a bit of Ich... but as of today you could hardly notice.

I have been feeding garlic soaked food so perhaps this... and/or my cleaner shrimp have done the trick.

They all seem curious and are swimming around and as soon as I go to feed they flock like a fly to...

The male is still not eating as much as the two smaller females are... but he is trying. Appears he knows his place in the pecking order and the Tang and Coral Beauty always go first.

Am I in the clear? Don't know. Am I hopeful? HELL YES!

If others can keep them... why can't I? 5 days and counting.

And I have to admit... they really bring the tank to life. The color is amazing. And what they say is true... they draw shy fish out. My firefish is always hiding in the back of the tank... but now he is all over. Even making circuits of the tank some days.