View Full Version : regal angel dead

11-02-2010, 11:31 PM
Can you believe my regal angel got stuck in a PVC pipe I have going under my sandbed for my eel!!! I would have had him for 2 years in Jan. This kills me. By far my fav fish. He was the fattest fish I had, and the boss of the tank.

11-02-2010, 11:52 PM
Can you believe my regal angel got stuck in a PVC pipe I have going under my sandbed for my eel!!! I would have had him for 2 years in Jan. This kills me. By far my fav fish. He was the fattest fish I had, and the boss of the tank.

Sorry for your loss. It sucks to lose any fish let alone your favourite. :sad:

11-03-2010, 02:19 AM
sorry to hear that

11-03-2010, 02:29 AM
Wow that's terrible. Sorry for your loss.. What a bizarre way to go. :( He tried to swim into it? What is it, probably 1/2" or 3/4" just enough to accomodate the eel?

Tom R
11-03-2010, 02:56 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss.

I believe there is a law, It is alway your favorite fish.

Tom R

11-03-2010, 03:03 AM
in deed, it's called Murphey's law.

"Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value"


"If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong."

Really sorry for your loss. That was not something you could have expected.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

I believe there is a law, It is alway your favorite fish.

Tom R

11-03-2010, 03:53 AM
No, it's a 1" pipe and he somehow wedged himself in. It had a bunch of sand in it so it was narrow where he was. I'm sure he was just snooping around looking for pods or something. I just came home from work and his face was inside the pipe and I could barely pull him out. He looked totally fine otherwise. REALLY bizarre. Definetely wasn't the eel as he is way too small and totally ignores all the fish.

11-03-2010, 05:56 AM
but how could that kill it? was he not able to breath stuck in there? You would think he could still breath...wierd.

No, it's a 1" pipe and he somehow wedged himself in. It had a bunch of sand in it so it was narrow where he was. I'm sure he was just snooping around looking for pods or something. I just came home from work and his face was inside the pipe and I could barely pull him out. He looked totally fine otherwise. REALLY bizarre. Definetely wasn't the eel as he is way too small and totally ignores all the fish.

11-03-2010, 06:40 PM
I've seen that tube and the angel in your tank and I can' fathom how it could have gotten stuck in there. You gotta chalk that up to a fluke incident though -I thought that was a great setup and the eel certainly loves it.

Sorry for the loss though.

11-03-2010, 07:29 PM
Sometimes fish just get sick. They often find someplace safe away from predators and simply die there.
I think that is what happened to your angel.

11-03-2010, 07:59 PM
No, he wasn't sick. He was the best eater and the most aggressive fish in my tank. He was completely fat. Him getting stuck is the only thing I can come up with as I could barely pull him out with the tongs I use to reach the bottom of my tank. I don't have any diseases in the tank and he had no markings on him. He wasn't a delicate fish like a copperband or something, even though regals can be tough to keep. Nothing had changed with him.

He would have been able to breathe still, but would have been extremely stressed being in there. I was working all night and found him in the morning so he could have been in there for more than half a day. Such a stupid way to lose a fish.