View Full Version : Help me Identify coral

09-25-2010, 05:32 PM
hey guys saw this at the local fish store can anyone help me identify it please?

is it a softie and can i put it in with Power compact lighing 50w 10k 50w atenic


09-25-2010, 05:34 PM
carnation coral

09-25-2010, 05:49 PM
Its a non-photosynthetic coral, which means "leave it in the ocean". The vast majority of these slowly starve to death in aquariums since feeding them properly will usually result in polluting your tank. A specially non-photosynthetic system can be set up with large refugiums and including sources of coral food (maybe the bacteria from biobeads or other special "filters"). Otherwise, in a mixed reef, your other corals will suffer from the overfeeding necessary to try to keep one of these non-photosynthetics alive and a lot of times, even that is not enough.

09-25-2010, 06:21 PM
Dendronephthya sp. A system like this one is ideal (necessary?) to keep one: http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/67-tank-of-the-month

Wingin It
09-25-2010, 06:47 PM
Beautiful Corals...which is why i bought one against the advice of our fellow Canreefers...I thought I could do it, but it was so very close to death after a few weeks that I had to trade it away or continue to watch it die.

09-25-2010, 09:24 PM

Avoid Dendronephthea altogether. That one already looks pretty miffed.