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View Full Version : Limewater & Southdown Paysand (B.C.)

05-24-2002, 02:47 PM
I am relatively new to this board and am probably asking questions that have been canvassed before....since "pickling lime" is apparently unavailable in Canada (banned as a food additive), what are people sourcing in the lower mainland to avoid the cost of the LFS Ca products? Chemical supply companies?....and has anyone ever found this mysterious Southdown Playsand in B.C.?

Your patience and assistance is greatly appreciated....

05-24-2002, 05:27 PM
I got some of Jaysons aragonite olitic sugar sand from him through a group order(arranged by Kris on this board, thanks kris), it's the same stuff Darren is talking about in his post above. I got 300lbs and $20 a bag with tax, that is a great deal in this hobby. Last week he said he could get it down the $15 per 30lb. Bag :eek:

It's good sand, I like it alot, no need for mixed grains in my opinion, it has diversity already.

Look into it under the "Vendor Announcements" section on this board.

Hope I helped, as for Pickiling lime beats me. And Southdown is only found 5000 miles away... or something close to that ;)

[ 24 May 2002, 13:28: Message edited by: Jack ]

05-24-2002, 11:06 PM

Keep in mind of the disclaimer below smile.gif

Okay....ummm...pickling lime. Well, you can get 50lb of it for $10 at the local gardening store (like Gardenworks). I believe Dale from Animal house uses this stuff too (at least for a while). Its called hydrated lime or Ca(OH)2. Basically it is kalk, but it isn't 100% pure (around the 90s). Its used in farms to clean the floors. Since kalk can precipitate phosphates and other nasty stuff, the foreign materials won't remain in the kalk mixture.

Same risks as Domolite lime (search for the big post on this board for details) with similar advantages.

As for Southdown, Target sells Calcium Carbonate (aka sort of like Southdown), but it is a tad too fine for our reefs. You can try it (its $10 for 50lb) and see how you like it.

- Victor.

[ 24 May 2002, 19:08: Message edited by: reefburnaby ]

05-25-2002, 04:26 AM
Southdown is pretty much an unkonwn sand up here. Shadetree(Scott) went down to California and brought back a bunch a while ago but none has been seen since. The best bet for sand at the moment is getting in on Jayson's shipments of aragonite. It works out a bit cheaper than in the stores. As for CA addatives I can't help you there. I run a reactor and use ARM by Caribsea.