08-05-2010, 11:10 PM
It appears my hella nice RBTA just split twice last night? i went from one big one too 3 little ones? and they dont look real healthy... anyone ever heard of the happening? i will post pics asap

08-06-2010, 12:21 AM
Can't say for BTA's but I've watched mojanos do that. I had one that went to four little ones in a single night. So I don't think it's really out of the question for multiple fission of a nem in one night... now whether or not the nem enjoys that is another question.

08-06-2010, 04:06 AM
ask STARRY in kelowna on this site his did a spit a few times - I bought one.

08-06-2010, 04:59 AM
well they seem to be doing fine, and are looking good, water levels are all in check so will will keep an eye on them and it looks like i will have a couple nice rose bubble tips for sale a couple months down the road.

08-06-2010, 05:25 PM
Similar experience with my GBTA. It split a month or so ago, then the clone split as well and I now have three. The second split did not happen right away, but I kind of suspected it would since the clone stayed quite stretched out for a week or so until it finally split as well. All looking good at the moment and they've stayed very close together, my Maroon Clownfish pair are in anemone heaven.

I think I may have the GBTA from hell anyway. It's been through some times of ill health and moved under the rockwork out of the light once on me as well. I had to re-aquascape to get it back into the light and healthy. It was getting quite bleached after a month in the unsuitable location. No idea why it did that or didn't move back into the light on its own. Prior to the recent split, it also went through a 'non-split' event on me about a year ago. Check out the link below.

I'll have a couple of GBTAs for sale soon as well, if I can figure out a good way to get the clones to detach. They're anchored pretty well and I'm sure my Maroon female will not take kindly to me poking around there trying to disodge them. If the mother nem is any indication, the clones will be quite bullet proof if I go by what it's been through in the past 3 years.


08-08-2010, 01:09 AM
It's clear what is happening...

The anemones are preparing to strike. They are multiplying.

We've been warned...
