View Full Version : pipe fish

10-06-2003, 04:13 AM
does anyone have or know much about pipe fish. i would like to have one but i`m wondering if there is any reason that i shouldn`t. you don`t see them very often but they sure are neat. Thanks.

10-06-2003, 05:59 AM
yes pipefish have very special needs. A very mature tank with lots of life and no swimming fish.

10-06-2003, 07:08 AM
there is a reason you do not see them often in pet stores. They are not like taking cair of a clown fish... like emilyb sugested they are a bit more complex. to sustainone you need to set up the right enviroment and feed it the right foods. They are great though, im waiting on the blue stripe pipe fish. oh and about getting it.... just ask your LFS to see if they can bring it in. ( and hope they get the right one.) If you r really intrested i know there is a few of us wh have experince with them, or even seahorses and would be more then willing to help you out. Also check out seahorse.org (http://www.seahorse.org), they are full of great info there.


Oh PS, i will be working on breeding these so keep your eyes out on this board.