View Full Version : Kalk Question

02-11-2010, 11:48 PM
I just set up a GEO Kalk stirrer on line with my auto top up and things look good - pH has not gone too high in the tank - around 8.3. Im wondering how to tell when to add more kalk to the stirrer and how much and when should I clean out the old kalk settled at the bottom of the stirrer.

02-12-2010, 03:10 AM
You can add a whole bunch of kalk at a time, and let it settle. The pump will stir it. You can't technically have "too much" bc only so much will dissolve at a time. You add more when it looks like you have only a little left.
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02-12-2010, 05:08 AM
At some point, that stuff at the bottom of the Kalk reactor isn't Kalk anymore. IME, it gets to the point that it looks full of undissolved Kalk and has actually become ineffective.

Best way to tell is to do an alk or pH measurement from time to time on the output. Do it with a fresh mixed batch so you have a reference.

In my case, I find that a 1-2 cups lasts me almost 2 weeks. Beyond that point, I can tell that the Kalk is no longer effective at keeping my nightly pH up. That's how I know it needs changing...but you would not know it just to look at the reactor.

02-12-2010, 05:23 AM
thanks for the great help - what sort of pH/KH values do you see in new and old kalk - ill test mine to see what I start at. do you actually empty the old settled residue every couple weeks or just add more.