View Full Version : Spotted Sea Hare (Aplysia dactylomela)

02-03-2010, 12:14 AM

Recent Research

Opisthobranchia are known to release purple ink when disturbed. The ink of Aplysia dactylomela appears to be an irritant, as other organisms, such as other invertebrates and fish, display altered behavior when exposed to it. Behavioral alterations induced by exposure to this ink include increase in mucus production in other opisthobranchs, increased grooming and decreased feeding behaviors in crabs, and flight responses in fish (Carefoot, et. al., 1999). These behaviors would appear to indicate the ink is a defensive mechanism. Other hypotheses about the function of the ink include roles in metabolic excretion, a camouflage mechanism similar to that of a squid, and a warning signal (Carefoot, et. al., 1999).