View Full Version : Kitty TV

10-30-2009, 03:40 AM
My New Kitty sits in front of my RSM and in a trance like state watches the fish.The Hogfish seems facinated by her and stays right in front of her the whole time.http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w187/starscreams/kittytv.jpg

10-30-2009, 07:08 AM
Wow that's a fuzzy girl!! :lol: Gorgeous colours, is she a ragdoll?

I had a tortie point Siamese once and she loved watching fish too. I had a lawnmower blenny who loved watching her back! It was hilarious. My current cats and current fish couldn't care any less about each other, although it may have to do with the lack of cat perches up against the tanks that my house has, where I moved from there was a ledge that went right behind the tanks, perfect catwalk up to the canopy (which as it turns out was a great cap napping spot since it was so warm. :lol:)

10-30-2009, 03:53 PM
Very cute kitty!.....Hows your arm btw?

10-30-2009, 07:40 PM
She is a Himalyan and such a sweet little thing her and the yellow candy hogfish are so funny,my bluespot Jawfish has joined in now and watches too he evan moved closer.
Hi Fishytime, my arm is on the mend so glad not to have to take anymore antibiotics and to have that IV out! my cut is healing now and very itchy.Thanks so much for asking :)




10-30-2009, 08:08 PM
Awww cute kitty! My cat watches occasionally from the couch, one of her kittens that I just gave away used to watch the firefish often, and now apparently has a thing for TV in her new home :lol:

10-31-2009, 02:23 AM
My fish used to tease my cat. She'd sit on an arm chair beside my 120G and swat at it. The fish would all swim towards her and then dash away, but they'd always swim back. LOL or she used to sit on the ground and star up and start jumping at the tank. Shed do this for like an hour, it was pretty funny to watch.