View Full Version : downsizing tank

three dawgs
08-11-2003, 04:59 AM
I have decided to go with a smaller tank. Currently have a 135 gallon and plan on going to a 90 gal. Questions, Am I looking at a BIG job transfering EVERYTHING from one tank to the other, this includes the sand. Is this possible to do in one day? Any info would be great. Reason of downsizing. Tank is TOO big.

08-11-2003, 06:13 AM
You can do it in a day, but you'll need help. I moved my 75 into a 155 with 4 people assisting, it went really well overall.

three dawgs
08-11-2003, 07:33 PM
The only reason I was asking was because I was told that i would KILL my live sand. Yet when they pull it from the ocean, it comes to us live. Is there any tricks to it, such as keep it submerged in water to prevent the oxygen from reaching the sand.
Thanks for the reply though Reef

Bob I
08-11-2003, 08:02 PM
The only reason I was asking was because I was told that i would KILL my live sand. Yet when they pull it from the ocean, it comes to us live. Is there any tricks to it, such as keep it submerged in water to prevent the oxygen from reaching the sand.
Thanks for the reply though Reef

I have moved sand a number of times. I often put it in buckets, and just keep it wet until I am able to move it into the new tank. I have never yet had a problem. :biggrin:

08-11-2003, 09:07 PM
I moved mine witha dust pan. I just scooped it out and put it in the new tank. No problem.

08-16-2003, 02:46 AM
Three Dawgs,
Do you already have your 90 gal? I was thinking of upgrading my 90 FO to a 135. Any possibilities. I live in Victoria so it could be a go. :biggrin: