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08-25-2009, 04:10 AM

I was wondering if i buy coral from a tank that is full of apitasia. is it safe to buy these corals? Is there any thing i can dip these coral in before introduce them to my tank?
Hawaii dispensary (http://hawaii.dispensaries.org/)

08-25-2009, 05:56 AM
The risk is getting a bunch of baby aiptasia hitchhikers. I'd keep the frag in an easily accessible spot and keep a close eye on it for aiptasia sprouting out of the frag disc/LR the frag is attached to.

08-25-2009, 06:36 AM
Can aiptasia hitchhiker on fish?
AMATEUR BLOWJOB (http://www.****tube.com/categories/46/blowjob/videos/1)

08-25-2009, 07:53 AM
I don't believe they can attach to fishes, they attach to a hard substrate.

08-25-2009, 09:59 AM
no, but do not introduce any of the other person's water into your system.

08-25-2009, 12:57 PM
Resist the temptation!
If it walks like a duck and quack like a duck it a fxxxing duck!