View Full Version : Seafood Restaurant in north Red Deer

07-31-2003, 03:49 AM
I don't know if this post is against board policy or not but I thought I'd vent (consumer power at work).

I went to a franchise of a popular seafood restaurant in Red Deer tonight. I am sure all you Calgarians are aware of it, not sure about others. It is not Red Lobster. Regardless, I had dressing with my crab legs (I got to pick my own side dish, go figure). I thought something smelt odd, but I proceeded to eat my crab legs. My mother also had dressing and ate her right away. I was the last one eating and I began to eat my dressing - I realized it was the cause of the smell. It was covered in mold. My mother promptly left to vomit, and she is also on MAO inhibitors that could react fatally with aged food (fungus being aged, obviously). The waitress was rude about it, the manager offered a measly $10 off a $60 bill. Eventually my dad got $15 off, after I made a comment about how we should get the meal for free and how this type of thing could easily cause a lawsuit (a comment that was laughed at by the manager). Regardless, I thought some of you might be interested to know this. I should note that I've always had a great dining experience in other locations of this chain, I primarily visit the one across from McMahon Stadium in Calgary. This was my first visit to either of the two in Red Deer. So do me a favour and avoid this location.

07-31-2003, 03:50 AM
You don't eat crab at Red Lobster.

You eat crab at (Sam-insert location) :lol: :razz:

07-31-2003, 03:51 AM
I love Red Lobster crab. This places crab was pretty good as well. The dressing and the staff were the problem. :razz: