View Full Version : Clowns and Mushrooms

07-28-2003, 01:39 AM
Two questions I want to run by you all.

I have two black clownfish (percula, ocellaris, saddleback, no one knows). One is much larger than the other and growing almost by the day. Would this indicate that they are now a mating pair? Can I expect them to spawn anytime soon? I don't plan on raising the fry but I would like to know if it might happen.

I have two regular purple mushrooms that I got with some caulerpa from Tony. They are living in my sump and almost being smothered by caulerpa (which I will be trimming soon). Could I attach them to a rock and put them on the sand bed of my main tank without worry of them multiplying until they take over the tank? For some reason I've grown attached to them and feel that they'd be better off in the display tank.

07-28-2003, 02:12 AM
They don't always take over Quinn. Mine never have. :biggrin:

07-28-2003, 02:17 AM
I agree that they wont attach that well to sand, so you don't have to worry too much about them migrating around that way. However, do you have anything like an urchin in your tank? I have two variagated "carrier" urchins in my tank and they have physically transported some ricordia mushrooms to other parts of my tank, which have started new colonies.

I snapped a photo the last time an urchin was moving one:



Jason McK
07-28-2003, 02:48 AM
That's the funniest thing I'll ever seen. Mobile shrooms. I have attached many shooms to rocks then placed them were I wanted them, all are doing well and none have gotten out of hand.


Bob I
07-28-2003, 08:40 PM
I have those purple mushrooms too, and they have yet to cause problems. I have Red Mushrooms though that started with one small one I got from Eli some time ago. They seem to be the same type as the Mutant Ninja Purple 'shrooms from Tony. To make a long story short, I had no problem for a couple of years. Then suddenly I was overrun with them. Some were four inches across. I had to remove the rocks one by one and scrape them off. I put a couple in my 10 gallon nano, and they are spreading there like maniacs. The purple one in there is not growing much. So it might be best to watch what you do with Mushrooms. :eek:

07-29-2003, 04:04 AM
I snapped a photo the last time an urchin was moving one:

I'm getting over run by the mushrooms in your photo. If you have plenty of water movement, they will turn up anywhere in your tank. Been trying a few methods to cut done on the numbers. Next I was thinking of using the zoo's defenses and injecting it into the mushrooms. Sounds a little dangerous for the other tank mates though. If my typing gets even worse, thats because I tried it and got myself too in the process :biggrin: .

Van down by the river
08-11-2003, 08:04 PM
Well let's bring out the wine and cheese!


Too many mushrooms!!!
This is not something to complain about....

08-12-2003, 12:47 AM
To me its something to complain about when they have taken out 3 types of sps. A little wine and cheese with my complaining sounds pretty good right now, thanks