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View Full Version : Capturing crab

07-07-2003, 07:41 PM

Ok, I discouvered a crab in one of my live rocks in my main tank. I am not able to get him out in the open enough for an ID.. I was wondering if anyone has some tips on capturing this little guy?

Thanks in Advance...


07-07-2003, 07:53 PM
Beverly in Edmonton has had limited success with a baited jar on a 45 degree angle. You might want to give it a shot.

07-07-2003, 09:35 PM
I remember seeing this post for a home made "device" once. Take a plastic pop bottle. Cut of the top 1/4 or 1/3 of the bottle. Reverse the portion you cut off. Push it into the rest of the bottle and [hot]glue it in place. Put a bait inside and then put the bottle on it's side barried in the substrate so it's easy for your critter to get inside. You have to watch this trap though, because there isn't much water movement inside the bottle.

07-08-2003, 01:12 AM
I once used a clear plastic jar (like a pill bottle). Attached fishing line to the top with a hot needle for hole. Put some sand in the bottom to hold it down in the tank. Put a piece of crab meat or what ever in for bait. If you know approx where it is hideing place the trap near bye and it won't take long if your not too close. Usually they can't get out of the trap depending on the size of the crab/trap.

Bob I
07-08-2003, 01:37 AM
I once used a clear plastic jar (like a pill bottle). Attached fishing line to the top with a hot needle for hole. Put some sand in the bottom to hold it down in the tank. Put a piece of crab meat or what ever in for bait. If you know approx where it is hideing place the trap near bye and it won't take long if your not too close. Usually they can't get out of the trap depending on the size of the crab/trap.

I have an Ultralife Mantis Shrimp trap. It is quite small. You can try it if you like.