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View Full Version : Bravo awards and recognition...Moderators Please Read

03-21-2009, 06:16 AM
Dear Members and Moderators,

Before starting up Oceanic Corals, I was a hobbyist (and still am) and have gained invaluable information through this community.

I have learned a lot over the years and many of you have provided me with advice that I still revert to. Thank you.

Without your support, I could not be where I am now so I would like to give back to this community of ever learning hobbyist.

This is a proposal for Titus and moderators to see if there is a way to award "Bravo Stars" to members that have given advice, time, lending of equipment; basically anything that the receiving person feels that the member deserves to be recognized for publically.

If there is way to attach stars to a members name so that a tally could be totaled every month and the person with the most amount of stars is given a $100 credit to Oceanic Corals.

This is not a marketing ploy:wink: but rather a way to reward members who go out of their way to help a fellow hobbyist, whether with advice or otherwise.

We all have something to contribute to this community whether you are a noob or 20 years experience and I welcome other vendors to join me in this idea if it could be made possible.

