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View Full Version : ich questions at hospital tank

02-15-2009, 02:32 PM
ok my tank has ich it came in on a hippo tang

so now i have 2 clowns a flame angel and a foxface who have a few spots i know its worse in the gills

so im setting up my old 20G for a hospital tank i plan to treat with seachem cupramine
#1 so will all 4 fish be ok in a 20G for 6 weeks...............they all get along great but its also in a 120G with lots of caves?

#2 i have some algae problems in the 120 so im thinking a 3 day blackout and with the phosphate reacotor running with just a clean up crew it should subside i would think, ya or no??

#3 with just the CUC in the 120 in 6 weeks time when i add the fish back will this not create a mini cycle or will the bacteria survive that long??

#4 i should leave the DT running normally for the 6 weeks so coraline algae growth doesnt stop correct?

#5 what can i do to insure the clean up crew survives they havde a good amount of algae to eat now but in a few weeks in may be diminshed?
thanks for any input


Lesson learned From now on QT everything for 6 weeks

02-15-2009, 04:38 PM
ok my tank has ich it came in on a hippo tang

so now i have 2 clowns a flame angel and a foxface who have a few spots i know its worse in the gills

so im setting up my old 20G for a hospital tank i plan to treat with seachem cupramine
#1 so will all 4 fish be ok in a 20G for 6 weeks...............they all get along great but its also in a 120G with lots of caves?

#2 i have some algae problems in the 120 so im thinking a 3 day blackout and with the phosphate reacotor running with just a clean up crew it should subside i would think, ya or no??

#3 with just the CUC in the 120 in 6 weeks time when i add the fish back will this not create a mini cycle or will the bacteria survive that long??

#4 i should leave the DT running normally for the 6 weeks so coraline algae growth doesnt stop correct?

#5 what can i do to insure the clean up crew survives they havde a good amount of algae to eat now but in a few weeks in may be diminshed?
thanks for any input


Lesson learned From now on QT everything for 6 weeks

I did the same thing as you a year ago. Hippo Tang, Coral Beauty, Pajama Cardinal and Long Nose Butterfly

1. My QT is 20 gals also. I provided them with some hiding places: PVC pipe, some plastic plants, etc.

2. Black out will definitely help

3. Mine was fine. No mini cycle after.

4. I left the DT running as normal.

5. CUC shold be fine.

Hope this helps. I used hyposalinity treatment as well as copper treatment. All was well. Got rid of the Ich and never lost a fish.

02-15-2009, 04:47 PM
ok thanks for the advice im nervous about copper or hyposalinity but i feel doing nothing is like letting a friend die at home in bed when a trip to the doc could save his life

02-15-2009, 10:38 PM
jesus that was a task and a hlaf to catch all 4 fish i cant imagine having to do that with 15-20 or more fish

Trigger Man
02-15-2009, 11:38 PM
I find it easiest to catch fish at night when they go to sleep-especially tangs- (might help you for next time).

02-16-2009, 12:46 AM
ok thanks but im hoping there isnt a next time cuz this sucks

02-16-2009, 05:45 PM
is there any traps you could buy that will catch fish for you . I am doing the same thing and I have 2 watchman gobies I cant catch . They live under a rock thats at the bottom of 160lbs of LR . How to catch them I do not know . Everyone else was easy , but these two run anytime you go near them with the net and at night they close in there hole so ya any ideas is worth a try . I dont want to take my rock work out , it took days to put together . :sad:

02-16-2009, 05:47 PM
and no I dont want to use a hook and string :mrgreen:

02-17-2009, 04:11 PM
anyone got any :idea: ?