View Full Version : My 29g Reef - former AP24.

11-27-2008, 07:22 AM
Hi I am new to the site and I thought I would share my journey of my first reef tank. It is 20 days old now, but things are happening great.
I received the tank and set everything up on November 7th.

24 gallon aquapod
comes with standard:
- 200gph power head
- 65 watt lighting with atcinics and lunar lights. (upgrading to 130watt coralife power compact with 12,000k, atcinic and moon lights)
- bioballs being removed and replaced with Chemi-pure
- Crushed coral subtrate (came with it from Jimskoi)
- 17.5lb Cured premium Fiji Live Rock transported home in bucket with water.
- 3 small mushroom heads from Jim.
- Koralia 1 400gph powerhead.. in the mail on it's way.


24hrs later:
So far my reading have been extraordinarily good. At first I thought I was doing them wrong so I did the reference check and they came back right and so I redid my tests 3 times and they came back the same.

PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.225
Alkalinity: 4 meq/L
Ammonia: free = 0.05, total = 0.1 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 1.5
Nitrite: 0


Nov. 10th: The white pods and diatoms appear.
Nov.11th: Feather dusters appear.


Nov. 12th Parameters:
PH: 8.2
Salinity: 1.225
Alkalinity: 4.5 meq/L
Ammonia: free = 0, total = 0.05 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 0.1
Nitrite: 0


Nov 19th: Added CUC, Hammer Coral and Xenia frag on shell.


Nov. 20th Parameters:
PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.223
Alkalinity: 4.5 meq/L
Ammonia: free = 0, total = 0.07 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 0.15
Nitrite: 0


Nov. 26th Parameters:
PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.223
Alkalinity: 4 meq/L
Ammonia: free = 0, total = 0.05 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 0.1
Nitrite: 0

Hammer (I purchased as a frag for $20) is very happy now and loves flowing all over during the day.


Xenia Coral obviously growing and has now split into 3 stalks.


Here is an idea that I have for the future of the tank... many months down the road. I don't plan on placing fish in the tank until the third month in.


- Acropora at the top, only a couple of those.
- Back left GSP, to grow out and train to grow on the back of the tank.
- Back Left top on hammer skeleton a small torch frag.
- Front left, sponge on it own, and on the rock some Zoa's.
- Middle a crocea clam as long as it gets good light. Will double check on that one once I get the upgraded lighting done.
- Front right, Bubble Tipped Anemone (Hoping it likes the spot)
- Back right, Toadstool.
- Front middle right on rocks, sun coral, above that back further candy canes, to the left of that Duncans, and a Monti Cap just behind the sun corals to block the light for them.

Let me know what you think.

11-27-2008, 12:51 PM
Looks good. I look forward to seeing it grow!

11-27-2008, 03:39 PM
Very good start! Be aware SPS, Clams, and Anemones won't survive under PC lighting. Though, I did notice you say "Will double check on that one once I get the upgraded lighting done. ", You may want to wait up to a year with a nano before trying any of the above.

11-27-2008, 04:55 PM
Yeah I would not put any SPS (except easy montipora... definitely no acropora), clam or anemone in there. I also get nervous about anemones in small tanks because if they don't like where they are, they'll get up, move and sting everything in their way. Also, you need to very carefully consider whether or not you are willing to feed that sun coral almost every day; I know too many cases where people have bought them and just got fed up with the high maintenance they require.

Your ammonia has to be zero. Also, salinity of 1.225?! I assume you meant 1.025? Are you measuring that with a refractometer?

11-27-2008, 05:40 PM
I agree with the above two, and also be aware that the SPS will be brown without super intense lighting.

11-27-2008, 06:22 PM
I have been keeping an unknown Acro and a RBT anemone quite happy for a year now in my 14g biocube with std pc lighting. Although for Christmas they are getting a 90 gallon upgrade.:mrgreen:

11-27-2008, 07:03 PM
I am aware of the issues with the Acro and the lighting, this is why I will be placing them near the top of the tank, I am also looking at deep water species that do not require the same lighting perametes as most othe Acros.

The lighting upgrade I have will be the 130 watt power compact flourescent which comes with 12,000k bulbs and dual atcinic.

Yes, sorry I meant 1.0225 and I have been going back and forth with using a hydrometer and a refractometer to ensure it is the same.

The Corals I am getting are coming from a fellow hobbiest and he has been growing these under Pc Lighting and others under Halide mix t5 lighting. The clams and BTA I am getting from him will be coming from a PC lighting system and they have beautiful colours on them. Also, BTA require less lighting than other anemone. They can deal with 5.5+ watts per gallon, but you do also have to ensure they are fed properly. Takes a little more work but I kind of like that.

The tank I have was used for 6 months previously by my seller as a display tank until he upgraded his garage to house more tanks, and when I purchased stuff from him, I ensure it was all cured and seeded the system with some of his cured crushed coral and water. But I am taking things slow and he suggeted I should be able to add the BTA and 2 clownfish in February, but also suggested that I keep a eye on parameters and doing it on different weeks so I don't get a huge spike.

Update: Discovered the following in my tank last night after lights out when I was looking through it with a flashlight. 1 Chiton, and 2 Itsy bitsy little starfish about the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil.

11-27-2008, 11:41 PM
I used to have a similar light and trust me, if you plan on keeping SPS (even in a high location) you are going to run into issues

ignore the whole watts per a gallon thing. It really comes down to the PAR that the light is producing. Say you have a 130 watt power compact and a 130 watt T5HO fixture with individual reflectors. the T5HO fixture will have a higher output due to the design of the fixture and the bulbs give off more PAR.

Plus compared to LPS or soft corals it is hard to keep your parameters contants in a tank that size. I am not trying to blow you off away from SPS but like mentioned before a monti or birdsnest is a better choice. acro's need proper chem balance and proper lighting, they are beautiful but you need to limit yourself to what you can keep with your equipment.

11-28-2008, 01:29 AM
That is the reason why I am going with the deep water Acros and the Monti and only going for 3 max and getting small frags. The rest of the items in the tank will be LPS with a minimum of softies.

This is the one thing I have noticed when it comes to information on lighting on the Internet and forums. There are a lot of opinions back an forth on what is better and what isn't. Overall I am finding that Metal Halides are better on System over 30g, and Power Compacts better on the Nano's because of heat issues and because the height is normally under 20 inches. I guess people just have to experiment until they find what works for them and what they want to achieve the most.

I will have to keep the journal updated on that.

11-28-2008, 02:05 AM
I actually am keeping SPS in a 10gal right now and I can tell you that PC does not cut it and this is from experience. Originally i had a small birdsnest and a tiny millie frag under PC for about a week. polyp extension was very little and until i upgraded to my NEP (T5HO) they were not as happy as they could have been. I also tried acro under this lighting and compared to the same frags at the LFS i was getting horriable extension from it. Even when it comes to T5's its all about the bulb selection as well. I don't even think my NEP is enough for SPS anymore. you can keep them but all my frags browned on me and i have decided not to add anything else till my new tank is up and running.

If you want to try it, give it a go but it is not reccomended

11-28-2008, 03:49 AM
I understand, and I do appreciate the advice.

11-28-2008, 06:03 AM
Personally I love having a 150w metal halide over my 24g nano :)

Small tanks make wicked reef tanks, and even better with nice shimmering light :P

12-04-2008, 05:34 AM
So here are some updated pics for you all to enjoy.

Red coraline algae

Purple Coraline Algae spreading to different rocks.

Pic of Xenia with heads all squished in like it does a couple of times a day for a a couple of minutes at a time. I figure it does this either to store, engery, expel waste, and or contricts to aid in how it splits to reproduce.

Pic showing how the Xenia is working it's way into splitting into 4 stalks.

Front Tank Shot flash

Front Tank Shot no flash

Can you make out the Brittle Star legs in this pic? This is why I wish I had a better camera.

Nasarrius snail with mushrooms and naked hermit cast off. I thought it was a dead hermit at first. LOL

Tell me what you think.

12-06-2008, 12:21 AM
I thought I would share a small video from today. I hope you all enjoy.

http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/nebthet1/th_MVI_0952.jpg (http://s382.photobucket.com/albums/oo269/nebthet1/?action=view&current=MVI_0952.flv)

12-06-2008, 01:43 AM
Looks good!

Just FYI

i had a xenia frag that was on a shell and well wouldnt you know it within an hour of me adding it two hermits started fighting for this shell. well as you may or may not know zenia spreads very fast and very easily. so what eventually happend was i had xenia everywhere!!!!!
i just recomend you remove it from the shell and place it onto a small rock or even a large rock so its easier to frag when it becomes to large.

My 2 cents.

12-07-2008, 07:24 AM
I can understand a hermit wanting a shell like that, but my hermits are tiny compared to that shell. If they grow large enough to fit that thing I think I am gonna call guiness book of records and check my water for steroids. LOL. The shell is just a little smaller than my closed fist.

Yes, I am aware that Xenia spreads quickly. It is for this reason I think I am going to keep it on the shell as I can remove it very easily and quickly from the water, prune off what I dont want to keep of the Xenia when it gets out of control and place it back within a few minutes.

12-10-2008, 09:52 PM
Well, I have some good news and bad new for today.

Yestarday I received my package from J&L Aquatics in Canada. It had my chemi-pure, purpleup, tap water conditioner for my freshwater tank and the Koralia 1 I had ordered.

I put the Koralia into the tank, after rinsing it off of course and wow, the power out of that. My hammer coral was like what the heck?? but got used to it. Unfortunately, the xenia hasnt seemed to like the flow from the koralia either. It was looking real nasty today and has stuff coming off of it like string pieces and small little particles like it was melting apart.

Moving it to a lower flow area didnt seem to help so I have taken it out of my tank right now and put it in a plastic bag with half old water and half new water and switching out a bit. I am letting it float in the back area where it can still get some light but won't impede the flow from the rest of the tank. I also did a little over a 10% water change in the tank itsself just incase it was releasing bad stuff.

Does anyone have any ideas what would cause this? Just a picky coral that didnt like the upgraded flow? or could it be something else.

My parameters both before and after the water change were fine.

PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.022
Alkalinity: 4 meq/L
Ammonia: free = 0, total = 0.00 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 0.5
Nitrite: 0

PH: 8.3
Salinity: 1.0225
Alkalinity: 4.5 meq/L (9dkh)
Ammonia: free = 0, total = 0.00 (after the 30min wait)
Nitate: 0.2
Nitrite: 0

12-11-2008, 06:58 PM
Ok well I ended up cutting the end off the Xenai with a pair of scissors. After a good shake in some salt water I put it back in the tank. The cut areas this morning look well healed now with just a couple little brown spots. So it looks like it is on the mend a bit.

I now have dubbed him stubby. I am hoping that new polyps start growing on it in a couple of days.

12-12-2008, 05:43 AM
So here is a pic of what is left of my Xenia now. 24hrs after I cut the tops off.


The tops are not flat but have rounded themselves out and have become stiff again instead of flopping over. I would have figured if it was going to continue to deteriorate it would have over the last 24hrs. Also the colour is coming back.

Do you think it will survive okay? or am I giving it false hope? Has anyone else had this sort of issue with Xenia before?

12-20-2008, 06:33 AM
Well I have some updated picks today. I got some frags off of a local guy who was selling them from his tank.

Front tank shot

Hammer and little green zoas on right.

Close up of the Green Zoas

Atcinic shot of the green zoas.

My Xenia, with small new heads starting.

Orange and Brown Zoa

Candy Canes and my peppermint shrimp behind.

Atcinic Shot of the Candy Canes and Orange/brown zoas.

Mushroom Garden

Another front tank shot.

I have a small toadstool in there too but I wasnt able to get a decent pick of it. I will try again later.

12-21-2008, 07:09 PM
Here are the rest of the frags and one heck of a large piece of live rock with GSP on it that I had to split up with a hammer and chisel to make room for it. It gave me 2 good sized colonies, some small frags and a nice clam was growing on the underside, with a couple Paly's.

The amount of rock with it also took me up over 20lbs of rock in my tank, so that is good for filtration. It also gave me some rubble to work with for the filter system.

I performed a 12% water change after finishing adding everything in there since the water was mussed up, and I have extra water prepared to do continual small changes through out the next two weeks to help with the bioload and doing frequent testing of the parameters.

My next purchase wont be until February sometime, when I get a small BTA, black sun coral and two clownfish.

Here are some pics.

Front tank shot without flash.

with flash

The clam. I have no idea what type it is right now. Anyone have any ideas?

More Candy Canes

Another shot with my peppermint shrimp

Blasto Merletti with the Toadstool behind it.

Peppermint checking out the GSP as soon as it was in place.

On my next day off work I am going up to the hardware store to find some egg crate and acrylic so I can change from the stock lighting to the 130 watt PC's I have. I just have some other rearranging to do first on another project I am working on.

Please let me know what you think.

01-05-2009, 05:01 AM
Some more updated pics for the New Year.

FTS showing the removal of the Aquapod stock hooding and replacement with the Odyssea 130w pc with 12,000k bulb, atcinics and moonlights.
It is sitting on top of a 0.220 thick piece of Acrylic panel cut to fit in the shelving space (due to my stupid cats to keep them from falling or trying to drink the tank water... )
I was prepared wit egg crate to use as well, but have found it unnecessary with the acrylic.

Atcinic wit flash FTS

The Hammer all happy as usual. He has grown 1.5 inches back over his skeleton towards the back of te tank as I was hoping when I put him in that spot. :)
You can see the colour and density of the GSP on the lower left.
A red hermit is sitting beside the clam shell. It shot out a nice pile of crap just as I was taking the pic.
The Xenia on the shell as you can see has come back nicely and it is pulsing happily now. There are several seperate stalks forming, but they are small yet.

Lastly, a close up image of the Blasto Merletti. It as plumped up realy nice and has started touching the rock it is butted up against. I am hoping that in time, it will start growing over the rock.

I am waiting for an order of 3heads of Aussie Duncans, an Acropora Nano frag and an Acropora Suharsonoi frag (which is a deep water Acro) to come in. I thought I would give the Acro's a try with the higher, newer light and placing them closer to the surface of the tank and since fragalot.com has an awsome boxing week sale going on right now where all of these were only $10 each + $45 shipping. I went for it. Of course I will have plenty of pics to show when they come in.

Let me know what you think.

01-16-2009, 06:09 AM
Ok.. time for me to add more pictures.

Mr. Xenia is doing very very well. It is up and pulsing vigorously again and getting larger by day.

Blastos and tiny zoa frag in it's final home where it is being less distubed by the hermits.

Beware De Claw!

Nummm nummm nummm nummm

Feeding Frenzy

Check out what I found!!
Baby Snails!!! Nassarius and Turbo!

There is the one by the bubble algae in this pick

I think I am gonna have to name my tank Love Cove or something with the way these suckers keep spitting out babies, whether they survive or not.

01-23-2009, 04:23 AM
I finally got my 3 frags in from fragalot.ca today. Not their fault.. Paypal takes forever to let a bank payment go through.

Here are the two Acropora Frags I ordered.
The one in the background is suppose to be Acropora Nano (though it doesnt look like it). and the one in the foreground is Acropora Suharsonoi.

The next pic is my Aussie Duncan (Duncanopsummia). It was only suppose to be 3 heads, but lucky me I got 4.

They had really fast shipping. These 3 frags only cost me $30.. lol.. the shipping cost me more.

They have another $10 frag sale on right now too.. They have some nice stuff and will be ordering from them in the future.

01-31-2009, 02:49 AM
So I was out doing some grocery shopping today and other things and I stopped in at Shane's Aquarium Emporium checking to see if they had an MJ1200 and to check prices on other things.

They had a super cute black frogfish in there.. but I dont want to spend $50 on him and it wasnt in my tank plans. They also have an eel in there. very cool.

So in the one tank there was this lone tiny damsel in there hanging in the corner not doing much of anything. I felt bad for him.

I had been reading a few things and weighing my options on what to ad and not to for the passed couple of months and how I wanted to do it. I have come to a final decision on what I want to stock my tank with.

- 2 Onyx clownfish (true perc variant)
- 1 firefish goby
- 1 Damsel: I was gonna go with a neon goby but for $10 I went for the damsel.

I wanted to test my system to see if flow was good on how the parameters would change with fish livestock additions and I wanted to go slow on that. So, the damsel has become my test subject.

All is well so far. In at Shane's he want as bright. He was more of a dark blue dull colour. After acclimating him and putting him in my tank he is now the normal bright blue.

Here are some pics.


Here it is checking out his now favourite cave/tunnel system

Damsel just coming out of the Peppermints cave.

and two front tank shots.


03-10-2009, 09:49 PM
Well I finally got in my babies I have been planning on for my saltwater tank for a long time. Since before I set it up when I was in the research phase.
They are not completely what I was looking for, however they are a very good comprimise with a very bright looking future.

I got my 2 Onyx clownfish I wanted. Well, these are actually listed as Half-Onyx clowns, hence the compromise, but depending on the age of them, I may get very lucky as they have not fully coloured up yet.

Apparently Fedex doesnt know how to read, because when they delivered this and left it at my door. Thankfully it doesnt take me long to run there - The box was on it's side with the big arrows pointing in the wrong direction.

I did the acclimation. At first I thought the little guy was not gonna make it. He was listless and just wanted to lay at the bottom, but once I put them both in the tank (at the same time) he got all happy and was moving around nicely.

Obviously by size we know which is male and which is female. These were not purchased as a mated pair, however I think they are already going through the dance. Literally. Nice pops from the female, like light taping on a door, and both twitch, and nudge each others sides and barely swim away from each other. The male is already trying to host the hammer coral. The damsel is just having a territorial issue right now. I am going to do more research on it to see. If they are.. I am so happy because I do want to breed these guys.

So without further adeui, some pictures.


Closer shot. Female has a slight misbar, but not by a lot. I don't mind.

Close up of the two. Female left, male right.

And my cleaner shrimp in the hammer. Poor guy feels left out and neglected. He keeps going over to them to try to do his cleaner job and all the fish run away from him. I think he's gonna get a complex.

04-10-2009, 10:14 PM
So I have upgraded my AP24 to a 29g tank. I liked the Aquapod, but I thought it would be nice to give the fish a little more swimming room. I also wanted to move the tank into the Livingroom so I can actually enjoy it a lot more. It was ok in the kitchen but I really couldn't spend a lot of time enjoying it sitting on the kitchen chair.

The corals seem to be making the transition ok. They are taking a couple of days to readjust but most seem good. I lost the hammer coral before hand. A hermit crab got into it and was pinching the flesh and it developed brown jelly disease. I will replace it later on.

I went with a thinner crush coral bottom. I will add more as I need it. if I need more. I also have enough room in here to comfortably get a BTA and let it get large if it wants to.

So here is a current pic of the 29g.


04-18-2009, 03:25 AM
It took the corals a few days to get out of their pithy state and now they are all doing extremely well. The xenia is not as happy as it was yet, but it is not in it's final place yet. The Duncans are very happy where they are now and are sporting lots of baby heads. The Mushrooms have doubled in size (still trying to get a better pick of those). Zoas are growing like nuts so I also think not having the thick acrylic over top but just the white light reflector stuff has helped.

I have also seen a mass return of the isopods today and at least one brittle star survived the transition. I haven't seen the second one yet. My clownfish, who is a month old now and named big momma is a lot happier too. She has room to race back and forth across the tank. Her and spot the damsel don't fight at all. Oh.. and I now have my tank topped up. I had run out of salt when I did the change over. But one I got more salt I slowly topped it up bit by bit. There is now no water showing below the black seams. LOL.

I am also keeping an eye on the growth rate of the Halmedia and feather caulerpa. I added those to help with nitrates. The caulerpa grows like crazy, but the Halmedia is much slower. It is part of the reason why they are in the opposite corners from the live rock.

Here are a few more pictures for you all to enjoy.

Spot Damsel and Big Momma Clown

Candycanes and green zoas

Peppermint and Astraea snail on the K1.

Blastos now plumped all up and swaying in the current a little

My Acro is finally starting to show some blue colour. Not sure what that Astraea is doing.

Group shot of Duncans, Xenia on shell, gsp, palys and clam in the back.

Close up of the Duncan showing the baby heads.

Feather caulerpa and mixed green and red zoas and reverse gorilla nipple zoas. Sorry for the fuzzy pic.

Just showing how I have set up the inside of the filter as can been seen through the tank. I took the ac70 filter and cut it into quarters. So every 1.5 weeks or less I change the filter pad out. Live Rock rubble on top and then Chemi-pure back on top of that. Later I will add a bit of mesh to cover as I try to find some Cheato to put back there.