View Full Version : How long for "low tide"?

02-02-2008, 06:22 PM
I'm going to be moving my 24 gal tank to another stand in the same room, and I was wondering how long it is safe to be in 'low tide' mode.


02-02-2008, 06:58 PM
well although this is an arguable subject, imo as little time as possible is best. Coral reefs are completely exposed to the air on a regular basis for hours at a time due to the tides and are fine. However, I dont think i know many people in the hobby who wuold take that kind of risk with their own investments. If I were you, I would carefully plan out the move, and throughout the move, try not to allow long air exposures by basting the corals with tank water every ten or so minutes.

02-02-2008, 09:05 PM
I've had my tank exposed in a truck for an hour, everything was fine. I would try to keep it to less than half of that though. Proper planning should allow you to move and not have everything dry for more than 30 minutes.

02-03-2008, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I think I should be able to manage that. Thanks guys!

02-03-2008, 05:41 PM
If you you LPS get them to retract before draining the water.

02-04-2008, 07:05 PM
Hmm, well I didn't really do that, but I drained pretty slow. At any rate, everything went smoothly and doesn't look like there are any ill effects.

02-05-2008, 06:31 AM
i just did a lowtide move on my 135 gallon. everyone survived. all fish, all corals , anenomie. eveything is great. it was about 9 hours.