View Full Version : WTB Ati Bubblemaster or EuroReef rs-180

01-23-2008, 11:55 PM
As title states I am looking for an ATI Bubblemaster 160 or a Euroreef-rs180 in calgary. I have not looked at comparisons of the two directly, but i like the design of the ATI a little better. Though the price / gallon rating seems a bit better with the euroreef. If one is selling these used let me know as well. I would call the stores in town but unfortunately today being a rarity with me being up being up before 7pm. I work nights and everyone is closed when i am awake. Just looking for a heads up on location and pricing. Thanks guys/gals

01-24-2008, 12:28 AM
try hidden reef they have them the BM ATI I love my ATI BM 250 it pulls like no tomorrow, and its very quite too. short and stubby compared to the Euroreef 250 Rc I had its better IMO and IME. pulls alot me air too. the pumps are alot smaller compared to the sedra's and the skimmer comes with a stock mesh wheel to.