View Full Version : LF-Aqualifesupport Ozone Reactor Vendor? Or another brand???

01-17-2008, 05:08 PM
I have seen a few members on here that have bought these units but I have been unable to find one for sale. I contacted them directly but they told me that they do not sell directly to the public and I would have to find a vendor. No luck so far. Anyone have any ideas OR anyone know where I can get a similar or better reactor? I have been looking for a long time now and its really hard to find ozone reactors.

01-17-2008, 07:36 PM
You can buy the ALS reactor from Pond Connection (http://www.fishkeepers.net/pondconnection/gc/getDetail.php?ID=659950) I know that wetcoast just picked one up from there.
There is also the MTC (http://www.marinetechnical.com/page6.html)for a lot more money.

01-17-2008, 08:13 PM
I guess there is no vendor in Canada is there? It does not have to be this exact model, just any similar ozone reactor at this point. I wish stores here actually carried them...