View Full Version : How high was the salanity of the oceans during the iceages?

01-03-2003, 12:08 AM
any guesses? Wonder if it affected it even very much?

01-03-2003, 12:09 AM
any guesses? Wonder if it affected it even very much?

Um.. you thinking of freezing your tank to raise the salinity? :wink:


01-03-2003, 01:11 AM
no my morning hangover state i was thinking with all the ice and frozen water (since salt doesn't freeze?) the ocean salanity would have raised some, but not sure how much.

01-03-2003, 08:55 AM
Wouldn't the salt solution freeze as a salt solution. I think that when water freezes, everything mixed in the water freezes with it. Sort of like kool-aid. When you freeze it, the ice is not just water.


01-04-2003, 03:35 AM
If you're looking for a serious answer.... :wink: ....not much. Right now the world's oceans salinity ranges from 32 to 39 ppt. A lower water level of 120 meters back then and lower surface temperatures had a more significant effect.
(Daly, 1915)

Mitch :twisted: