View Full Version : Ideas for fish in a 30 gal cube

04-10-2007, 04:08 PM
Hello. Im looking for some ideas for a colourful fish for my 30 gal cube (reef).
I currently have a 55gal 4ft set up but since I have to move into an apartment I will be downsizing. I will only be keeping two of the fish from my 4ft since the others wouldnt be very comfortable in the cube. The two I am keeping is one false perc and one black perc. Is there any other smaller colorful fish that is reef safe I could put into the tank?

Also would my tube anenome be ok in the 30 gal?

Thanks for the input. By the way dimensions are 20 inch long 21.5inch tall and 18.5 inch deep.

04-10-2007, 04:12 PM
You could go with a firefish, a pseudochromis or a sixline wrasse. I have a sixline in my current cube and I love him, so much personality! Great colour and fine for a smaller tank :)

I've a MH that would be perfect for that tank too if you are looking for lighting ;)

04-10-2007, 04:14 PM
Tagging along because I'm setting up a 30g cube too!

You could do firefish, small gobies, like hectors or rainford. You could also maybe look at chromis.

04-10-2007, 04:15 PM
Fairy wrasses can provide a nice splash of color, they're fairly docile fish though.
Royal grammas are nice and bright and are a bit more territorial. Not sure if they're ok in a smaller tank, perhaps someone else can chime in here.
Some of the dottybacks are brightly colored and can be more territorial and sometimes don't do well with more peaceful fish.
Firefish are nice calm fish, pretty timid but beautiful. They will often jump out of open topped tanks though.
There are lots of neat gobies and blennies, most of which are reef safe.

I find it easiest to either look through my reef fishes book by scott michael or surf this site http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/categ.cfm?pcatid=15 to see whats out there. Then post here for peoples experiences with specific fish you're interested in :biggrin:

04-10-2007, 04:22 PM
Thanks everyone.

One small thing I noticed someone mentioned gobies, I currently have a blue spot goby I believe its called. Basically its all white and has a yellow head with a neon blue line near its mouth. However I have read they grow to 7 inches and mine is already near 5. I probably could not keep this fish in the cube could I?

Also what do you all think about keeping a neon goby? A lot of places say they are ok in 10 gallon tanks and up but I have read that they starve in most tanks because they need a big tank since they do not eat prepared food. Any input?

04-10-2007, 04:38 PM
One thing I would suggest if you go with a wrasse is to either have a glass lid, or DIY an eggcrate lid than you can secure as wrasses like to jump. I learned the hard way when my first sixline when carpet surfing.

04-10-2007, 05:20 PM
Also what do you all think about keeping a neon goby? A lot of places say they are ok in 10 gallon tanks and up but I have read that they starve in most tanks because they need a big tank since they do not eat prepared food. Any input?

My neon goby eats like a pig, always has. You need to use smaller foods though. I feed sweetwater zooplankton and little bits of mysis. In my larger tank they just get whatever the other fish don't eat first but I currently have one in my 5g nano tank and he eats whatever he can fit in his mouth, as well as various copepods and such growing in the tank.

In a smaller tank I'd recommend only one though. For some reason they can be super vicious in closed quarters. I had 2 in my 90 gallon and one drove the other into the overflow several times. Finally I fished him out of the sump for the last time and decided he'd do better in my nano tank. :biggrin:

04-10-2007, 05:34 PM
Jawfish? Anthias? both beautiful types fish. My 2cents.

04-10-2007, 05:36 PM
Orchid Dottyback, Bangaii cardinal, Royal Gramma, sixline wrasse and any firefish would be my suggestion.


04-10-2007, 07:38 PM
29 biocube. Goldstrip maroon clown in RBTA, yellow clown gobie, Green clown gobie, purple dart fish, red dart fish, Cherub angel. All living in harmony.

04-10-2007, 08:47 PM
Thanks. I think I have decided, any one see any potential problems? To add to the two clowns I already have I would get a neon goby, and hectors goby.

They should all get along I hope.

04-10-2007, 09:56 PM
Hectors/Rainfords gobies aren't well known for their survivability. Most usually don't eat prepared foods and survive on a steady supply of copepods and what they can sift from the sand. I'd be prepared to supplement with arctipods or tiggerpods or some other copepod source.

That being said, some can get them eating prepared foods. I just thought you should be aware. :biggrin:

04-10-2007, 11:02 PM
thanks for the heads up