View Full Version : Next speaker for the VAHC meeting it's FREE!

09-24-2006, 04:41 AM
The title:
The ABC's of Coral Keeping

How to buy, keep and propagate your corals

We will cover what corals are, what they require (tank conditions), how to
choose them from a store, placement within the aquarium, and even a little on how to propagate them.

The Speaker:

James Scott
James has been a professional aquarist for the last 15 years and a hobbyist for 20 years. He has worked in all aspects of the aquarium industry from the fish room, livestock importer, custom installer, and aquarium manufacturer.

Along the way he has managed and owned an aquarium maintenance company, aquarium store, coral farm, and a aquatic wholesale company. He is also the founder of ReefBC.ca which holds annual forums to educate hobbyists about their aquatic domains.

The last time he did a marine talk, there was a huge crowd and the room was packed! It was also very informative!

The meetings are at the Vancouver Aquarium and more information regarding time, day, and location can be found here:


The best part......it's all free!!!!!!