View Full Version : Mantis or Pistol How do you tell?

01-12-2006, 08:43 PM
We have been hearing the dreaded sound for some time now, but haven't been able to catch sight of the noise maker. How do you tell which it is? We hear a sharp crack or two but thats it. Seems to be coming from the rock in the middle at the back of the tank (of course). Can Pistol shrimp arrive on live rock or only Mantis?

01-12-2006, 09:08 PM
Rapid cracks in succession is a Mantis. Pistol shrimp can't do rapid clicks as they need to "reload" between snaps...

01-12-2006, 10:18 PM
My pistol arrived on a piece of liverock (actually the live rock that the Zoos were on).

Here is some information from http://www.blueboard.com/mantis/pest/tell.htm

"I have read somewheres that one way to tell from the clicking noises is that pistol shrimps tend to snap in ones and twos, whereas mantis shrimps make rapid multiple hits. "

"Pistol shrimps make those clicking noises by using one of their specially modified claws. Based from different sources, these are either used in mating, hunting (by stunning small prey), and in fighting with other pistol shrimps. Mantises cannot make clicking noises per se.... instead, any clicking noises from a mantis shrimp are due to using its forelimbs to hit something else, either inanimate objects or (more likely) hardshelled prey such as snails or hermit crabs."

01-13-2006, 01:13 AM
My opinion is that if you have a mantis...you'll see it soon enough. I think they are must less shy than the pistol shrimps. Look for the mantis to be peering out of a hole in the rocks.

Most all the mantis that we see as hitchhikers are the smasher type. I don't think they are too interested in fish. Mostly crabs and snails.

If you do have a mantis and do want to remove it (IF)...I recommend keeping them in a separate tank rather than killing it. They are quite entertaining.