View Full Version : eating something from your tank!

05-07-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by BCReefer:

Oh yea I also learned not to eat a mussel that the shell has not opened fully, unless your into half cooked mussels.<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Half cooked seafood is ok sometimes but the reason you don't want to eat a mussel or clam that isn't fully opened is because it's been dead for a period of time previous to being cooked. Cooked mussels with opened shells mean that they were fresh and alive just before they were added to the steamer.

05-08-2002, 04:44 AM
I was at the Boathouse in New West last night for dinner. I was eating a mussel and I couldn’t help thinking that I was eating something from my tank. The ocean smell from the mussel and my tank were pretty close. I had to use some wine to finish one off. Does anybody else notice that certain smells reminds them of their tank?

Oh yea I also learned not to eat a mussel that the shell has not opened fully, unless your into half cooked mussels.