View Full Version : Notification of changes to members?

01-02-2006, 05:39 PM
While I realize that not every single little change needs to be sent to members, it would be nice to have an email notification of larger ones that are going to cause headaches, such as the new way the threads are viewed. There are several members who came on lately, only to become very confused as to where all the threads in each section went. Something like that should be sent in an email notification to members so that not only are they aware, but that they do know how to fix it.


05-04-2006, 02:43 AM
In addition, necessary downtime should be mentioned to members in a mass email in every case where it isn't an emergency situation or a server problem. I know some people had some group orders in the works, and had to scramble pretty quick this time.

If it was unexpected and happened at a moments notice, no problem.

If not - big screwup IMO.

05-04-2006, 03:59 AM
I agree about the downtime. Unfortunately, by the sounds of it, the server really cratered on us. We've given up on fixing it, we're just going to buy a new server apparently. When that's ready to go, we'll migrate over, hopefully it will be a smoother transition. Sorry for the downtime but trust me on this one that we were all going through withdrawal symptoms!

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the "new way of viewing threads" ? Can you elaborate a bit? (Sorry)

05-04-2006, 04:13 AM
Okay, like I said, if it was unavoidable, no worries. :) As for the thread, I was referring to back a few months ago when we changed to the new forum, and some members were having issues on how their threads were being shown...more of a preferences and "getting used to the new forum" thing. I think that's long past now.

Maybe in the future you might want to include in the message "due to unavoidable circumstances" etc....would save me making an ass out of myself. Although I could just shove a hunk of live rock in my mouth until the urge to post passes. :lol:

05-04-2006, 08:41 AM
In addition, necessary downtime should be mentioned to members in a mass email in every case where it isn't an emergency situation or a server problem.

Part of the problem was that email notification wasn't working.
I don't think anyone would have recieved the mass email even if we had the time to send one out. :wink:

05-04-2006, 05:48 PM
I don't think anyone would have recieved the mass email even if we had the time to send one out

You don't have a list of member e-mails off the server? I would get this for the future.
Then all you would have to do is use any e-mail address and send out an e-mail to everyone to let them know what is happening. It would have been manual, but better than nothing.