View Full Version : Okay, so I had this awesome clam idea...

11-22-2005, 05:33 AM
What if I glued some small frags of plating Montipora (foliosa, capricornus, etc) to the bottom of the shell? I was thinking I could keep the coral in check by trimming it, keeping it from getting to heavy for the clam.

The idea here is based on a picture I saw of a coral reef. There was this clam growing in the middle of this huuuuuge whorling-type Montipora. I've read of people trying to set their clams into corals with limited success due to the clam being unable to attach (nemocyst stings). Short of killing all the tissue in the middle of a larger colony, of which I'd still need to find an ideal shape), this was the only method I could come up with to create this display.

Anyone with insight or experience with this?

11-22-2005, 02:59 PM
I seen one with zoos growing on it thought it was kinda cool and zoos would be much lighter