View Full Version : Eel help

03-08-2005, 03:09 AM
how can i get my baby snowflake out of the lr he is in?i want to move him to another tank but i do not want to put the rock in there.was thinking about taking it out of the water and seeing if he will come out on his own.

03-08-2005, 03:18 AM
Your idea might work but then you have to worry about an angry moray biting you or falling onto the floor. Or you could lure him to the surface with food then net him. You could also place the LR in a bucket of aquarium water and let him come out. If all else fails you can "tickle" him out with a non-sharp object. Hope that helps. :biggrin:


03-08-2005, 03:49 AM
move the peace of rock till he comes out give him a better place to hide in the new tank he should move then.


03-08-2005, 04:05 AM
put your net in the tank early in the evening, remove covers etc, make sure any room lighting isn't behind you. Wait until well after lights out. He'll come out to roam - snag him when he's easiest (Putting the net in the tank much earlier will let him get accustomed to it's presence and there then won't be a splash when you go to use it).

Alternatively pisces and chums sell ghost shrimp - my snowflake will swim right on into the net to get one :)
