View Full Version : Reactor problem

03-02-2005, 04:45 AM
Hi, my super DIY hubby :razz: is asleep, so I'm trying to deal with a problem.

My effluent was at zip so I thought the hose was plugged. Turned out the small insump microjet was plugged, and so I got that going again. Now I can suck the effluent hose but all I get is air and can't get any water moving.

I'm afraid to shut everything down unless I know how to deal with the CO2 cannister etc.

Is she gonna blow? :eek:

03-02-2005, 05:07 AM
Let's hope not - yikes. Sorry I can't help you, but BUMP.

03-02-2005, 05:18 AM
Thanks AJ....I've done CPR for a while now and it seems to have kicked in.