View Full Version : Aquarium photoperiod wrt ambient room light

01-20-2005, 07:25 AM
Hello! My 90g aquarium is in my living room, placed next to the inside wall, facing outside windows. Even though the aquarium isn't very close to the windows, there is significant ambient light in the room during daytime. Should this affect when I have my MH's on? Can I reduce the amount of time that my lights are on due to the natural light? And will this natural light lead to increased algae levels or fish being confused due to the elongated photoperiod?

Thanks in advance. :)
Imran, in Edmonton, Alberta

01-20-2005, 07:53 AM
The natural sunlight may be great for anemones & other light loving spp. but you'll have to really keep an eye on your nutrient levels or else you'll get an algal bloom.



01-20-2005, 09:42 AM
I would think that gives you tremendous freedom in when you cycle on your lights. Natural light lets you have a natural sunrise and sunset (if you so choose), so by BANG turning on the halides you aren't upsetting anybody too much.
Chances are the intensity of the light coming in isn't enough to really impact your coral growth, but it should serve to keep everybody calm depending on the light cycle you choose.