View Full Version : Nanaimo folks

01-16-2005, 05:33 PM
Christy and Scavenger I belive are the only other 2 from Nanaimo. That I know of anyway. What do you guys think of the products available from My Fish Tank? Mainly the LR? Their prices seem good, but I was wondering about hitchhikers. Do you get good quality beasties or more nuisance critters? Should I make a trip to Van or Vic to buy there? Or does it really not matter because they all get their LR from the same wholesaler and it really is just luck of the draw what you get?

Thanks for the input.

01-16-2005, 08:48 PM
My Fish Tank is great! They are really nice there and have great stuff. So far I have not even had one hitchhicker. At J&L's they have uncured LR though. You can go buy wherever you want.


01-16-2005, 08:57 PM
Rob's (My Fish Tank) saltwater livestock is seriously diminished right now. He has told me they have orders in for this month so I suggest checking back in the next couple of weeks. I usually try and get there right after shipment. In my opinion, they don't have the lighting for some of the livestock they bring in.

As for hitchhikers. I have gotten a cauliflower coral that was floating in a chunk of tonga and I darn near had a six line wrasse on another rock. Unfortunatley he "swam/fell" out of the rock on the cash counter.

01-16-2005, 09:49 PM
Thanks guys. I have been dealing with MFT for quite some time with my freshwater stuff. I know he has a shipment of saltwater coming in very soon (this week I think). I'll be stopping by there to see whats come in. :)

I also keep reading about these MAK4 pumps everywhere. The skimmer I bought of Zerandise could use one but I have yet to find where they can be bought. I found only 1 on ebay and could not find them on the J&L site. Anyone have a link where I could order one from?


01-16-2005, 10:11 PM
I also think that Rob has another shipment of LR coming in in like a week and a half.


01-16-2005, 11:28 PM
Anyone have a link where I could order one from?

You could check out Premium Aquatics... :smile:

01-16-2005, 11:49 PM
Thanks guys. I have been dealing with MFT for quite some time with my freshwater stuff. I know he has a shipment of saltwater coming in very soon (this week I think). I'll be stopping by there to see whats come in. :)

I also keep reading about these MAK4 pumps everywhere. The skimmer I bought of Zerandise could use one but I have yet to find where they can be bought. I found only 1 on ebay and could not find them on the J&L site. Anyone have a link where I could order one from?


01-16-2005, 11:51 PM
Anyone have a link where I could order one from?

Something a bit more local:


01-17-2005, 12:50 AM
Thanks all, thats great.

My setup will have my 75Gal Tank, 25Gal sump, 33Gal viewable, mangrove planted refugium. My skimmer is an older ETSS (model unknown) downdraft with a 13" tall tube from bottom of box to bottom of collection cup. A 20" tall intake tube from bottom of box to air injection pipe. The intake is a 3/4" line the output is 1 1/2". The skimmer box is 9" x 6.5" x 5"
I plan to run the mak4 in a closed loop on the skimmer. Is this correct sizing or will a smaller suffice.

My overflow from my 75 Gal into my sump is a 1 1/2" pipe. What size pump should I be running in my sump's return to circulate enough water.

As I need to purchase 2 pumps I want to assure I'm moving enough water while still keeping costs as low as possible.

The 33Gal planted refugium will be added last, months down the road. I have not yet determined how I will plumb between it, the 75 Gal and the sump.

Also if anyone has links to any older ETSS downdraft skimmer's I would appreciate them. Their site only shows the newer models and I would love to get some specs on this unit I have acquired. I know its good up to at 100Gal, but that all. lol

Thanks again....

01-18-2005, 02:52 AM
Hi Gerald, welcome! Another hobbyist down island. I'm up north. The ETSS downdraft skimmers are one of my favorites after reading some articles on it in 1995. It is possible that you may have the ETSS 600 based on your description on the height and the inlet 3/4 and outlet 1 1/2 . Years ago, as far as I know there were only model 500, 600, 700, 800 in your category. The newer version I suspect for the 600 will process from 100 gallon and up. This may match to your skimmer, I don't know if there is any link to yours anymore. A Gen Max4 sounds like a good match, approx 1200 gph. I have an ETSS 1400 dual biotower downdraft driven by an Iwaki 70 for my 500 Gallon coral reef tank. Regards Ken

01-24-2005, 05:42 AM
I like MFT it has some prety cool stuff but its a bit more expensive then a few other stores

02-01-2005, 05:49 AM
MFT had lots of Live stock when I went there on Saturday. But once again I missed out on the liverock. Being from Port Alberni, I don't always have time to stop by MFT on my weekly visits to Nanaimo. And now walmart has just opened here and a smaller superstore, my trips will become a once a month afair I believe. And if anyone knows were I can buy Macro Algae I'm all ears :confused: