View Full Version : Sick Toadstool?

01-11-2005, 07:18 AM
Hello all,

I accidentally dropped my toadstool so it now has some cuts in the face and in the stalk.

It seems to be on the mend. It would open and extend is polyp but won't be out for the whole day.

I've noticed some brown stuff coming out of it polyps and the where there were cuts. It is isn't brown jelly.

Is this brown stuff normal? Is it normal that it's polyps are not extended during the day.



01-11-2005, 08:26 AM
The brown stuff is probably just a layer of skin peeling off. All toadstools do this occasionally, so just place it where there will be adequate flow. The cuts should heal as long as it doesn't get infected with the brown jelly/bacteria. You could try dipping it in a iodine/Lugol's solution as a disinfectant/anti-bacterial treatment. Not too strong though. If you do, google it or ask someone else on CanReef what is the right concentration for such a bath. It's also perfectly normal for a coral that's been through some sort of stress (ie. getting dropped & cut) to not extend it's polyps for several days.

Good Luck,


01-12-2005, 12:56 PM

Thanks alot for your reply. Re-assuring to know that it's behaviour is normal and that it will heal itself.


01-13-2005, 08:45 PM
You're welcome.

Edit. Jack @ OA just informed me that the brown jelly can be treated with just a fw dip.
