View Full Version : Nudibranch good or bad?

12-13-2004, 11:22 PM
Hi all,
I found what looks like a "sea slug" hitchhiking on one of my zoo rocks. It's back is extremely frilly - the tassles are the size of its body, and it looks kindo of transluscent (and not colorful at all, unlike some of the ones sold in stores). I have read about 'zoo eating nudibranchs' and am wondering if this is what I have. Any thoughts? Thanks.

- Chad

Edmonton Eskimo
12-14-2004, 12:01 AM
Could be a lettuce nudi.

12-14-2004, 12:11 AM
I pulled up a photo of a lettuce nudi and what I have in my tank has a similar kinda bland color but it does not have "frills" on its back like a lettuce. It looks more like "tassles" like the top (tentacles/gills/??) of a sea apple.
Sorry, I'm still trying to get a photo but I turned my lights off to acclimate the zoos and the halide isn't coming back on. May have to wait till tomorrow.

- Chad

12-14-2004, 12:17 AM
Hey, maybe that means that whatever it is, it gets its food from the water column and not my zoos. At any rate I sure wish it would get offa those zoos - makes me nervous :mad: .

- Chad