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View Full Version : Quick question about RO/DI units

09-30-2004, 11:06 AM

I've been using only tapwater purifier to do my water change/top off water etc, and my tank is doing okay so far.

I know by using a RO/DI unit can save more money for replacing the cartridges because they last longer.

Anyhoo, I am just wondering: is the RO/DI unit really that great which will make a significant difference on my tank?

thank you all!

09-30-2004, 01:45 PM
It sounds like the benefit to you would be cost savings. If your tank si doing great now, it won't do greater with an RO unit.

09-30-2004, 04:04 PM
Don't know if I'd really agree with the above answer. IMO the tap filters are a bit of a "toy" compared to a RO/DI unit. In the long term your tank will be healthier with a RO/DI. Sure lots of people don't have them, it is just one piece of the salt water puzzle that is proven to give you better water quality.


09-30-2004, 04:07 PM
Dave, my answer is based on the assumption that the cartridge of the TWP purifier is changed regularly. If so, the water coming out is 0 TDS, which is the same as RO/DI discharge. Why then do you feel the RO 0 TDS water is better than the DI 0 TDS water? I can't see the difference, other than the cost of replacing membranes/resins. Please explain your reasoning.

09-30-2004, 07:16 PM

Consider you live in the Lower Mainland where the TDS of the water out of the tap is only around 8-20 ppm depending what watershed it's coming out of you should get 200-300 gallons out of the TWP.

09-30-2004, 10:19 PM
My reasoning is not based on the assumption of his TDS being zero which we do not know or any other assumption. TWP units vary so much from simply micron filters, charcoal filters, good ones, bad ones nothing to do with what I stated. I also do not have the facts for a cost comparison from his post such as size of unit, tank size, water changes, water quality…

He said his tank is ok, not good, not great. I’m simply saying a RO/DI unit IMO opinion is a much better unit for pure water and a tank will benefit from it. For your info, a RO/DI unit takes out more unwanted impurities then just the TDS. It is a generally accepted fact that to have a good / great reef tank a RO/DI unit is pretty much a must have investment.

We don’t even know if it’s a reef tank? I’m just saying that a RO/DI is better then a slap on your tap, make my water taste yummy, take out the big hunks of crap filter. Can you really debate that?

So anyhoo Yifan917 go get one they are a good investment IMO.


09-30-2004, 10:49 PM
i'll second that a RO is a way better choice than a TWP. most twp are nothing more than a mixed bed resin that do no filtering and the purity of water depends soly on the speed of the water through them. the water has to mingle long enuf for the ion exchange process of the resins to work.


09-30-2004, 11:02 PM
We'll thats good news, I was hoping I was not going to have to debate the entire Victoria debating team! :smile:

09-30-2004, 11:14 PM
We'll thats good news, I was hoping I was not going to have to debate the entire Victoria debating team! :smile:

keep it up and you just might :wink:


09-30-2004, 11:38 PM
My reasoning is not based on the assumption of his TDS being zero which we do not know or any other assumption. TWP units vary so much from simply micron filters, charcoal filters, good ones, bad ones nothing to do with what I stated. I also do not have the facts for a cost comparison from his post such as size of unit, tank size, water changes, water quality…

He said his tank is ok, not good, not great. I’m simply saying a RO/DI unit IMO opinion is a much better unit for pure water and a tank will benefit from it. For your info, a RO/DI unit takes out more unwanted impurities then just the TDS. It is a generally accepted fact that to have a good / great reef tank a RO/DI unit is pretty much a must have investment.

We don’t even know if it’s a reef tank? I’m just saying that a RO/DI is better then a slap on your tap, make my water taste yummy, take out the big hunks of crap filter. Can you really debate that?

So anyhoo Yifan917 go get one they are a good investment IMO.


That's a better answer than your original one,so I'll give you the point. I also don't want to debate the other half of the team here, so I'll just walk away on this one :razz:

10-01-2004, 06:22 AM
what is TDS? :question:

and I have a reef tank, 125 gallon.

anyhoo, thank you all for answering my question, highly appreciated.
I think I will go get one RO/DI unit this week.

any suggestions on brand/model etc?

I usually need 2 gallon of fresh water /day. 5 gallon/day during summer.

10-01-2004, 12:51 PM
what is TDS? :question:

total desolved solids.


10-01-2004, 01:55 PM
any suggestions on brand/model etc?

I am using an Aqua-safe 110g/day 6 stage RO/DI unit. Excellent unit running as my top-off/drinking water for the last 10 months. I am actually putting in an order for another unit for a friend. Great price too.
You can find them here : http://stores.ebay.com/The-Aqua-Safe-Pure-Water-Shop


10-01-2004, 08:43 PM
wow! great deal!

have any one heard of "Aqua FX"??

10-01-2004, 08:49 PM
wow! great deal!

have any one heard of "Aqua FX"??
Check the links on the Left under Retailers... :biggrin: