View Full Version : Coral placement

07-11-2004, 12:17 AM
My question is can you place two corals of the same type but different color close together or will they sting each other
EX:montipora finger coral,Hydnopora
I think this would be a neet effect when they grow and intertwine

07-11-2004, 12:23 AM
The hydnophora will kill it as soon as it gets about an inch away. I would suggest your example needs some work, because those two corals are certainly not the same type.
If you want to put a green hammer and a brown hammer within touching distance, I think you'd be fine then.

07-11-2004, 12:29 AM
Thats what I meant, I have two color versions of both Hydnopora and montipora, I would put the hydno's together and the montipora together

07-11-2004, 02:00 AM
Thats what I meant, I have two color versions of both Hydnopora and montipora, I would put the hydno's together and the montipora together

Ah! They should get along, but watch closely for a while.