View Full Version : Chalice help!

10-28-2013, 08:59 PM
I recently got a new golden eye red chalice, and it came with a piece of bubble algae on it. While removing it I very stupidly ran a bit of fresh water on it and it did not like this. The area is darkened and I think tissue is receding on edge. Can it recover? Can I help it? Should I be fragging the area that still looks healthy? Feels like a personal epic fail on this one lol think enforce you act!!!

10-28-2013, 09:36 PM
yah freshwater dips are generally a no-no for corals :redface:

How big is the coral? I'd probably leave it if the area of discolouration isn't spreading. If the tissue sloughs off and you can frag off the dead portion without taking too much coral with it I'd probably do it then, but more so that nuisance algae has nowhere to get a foothold and aesthetics than anything. Emergency fragging is more called for when the tissue is dying for an unknown reason. This was a specific injury that it should recover from given ideal conditions.

Just my two cents.